My Journey

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By Madison


Hello! I'm Madison and I am here to tell you how I discovered and accepted my true self!

So, for awhile, I was homophobic. I wanted nothing to do with LGBT+. But, I always saw that I had a weird connection with girls. But, I denied it and dated guys only.But, when I was about 11, I really questioned myself. At that time, I accepted the LGBT community. (My homophobia faded away.) At first, I thought I was Bi. Then, I thought I was asexual. Then Heteromantic Asexual. Then, it went everywhere!When I turned 12, I finally stopped thinking about it and got a boyfriend. I mean, I did like him. But, I also had a crush on my best friend who is female.Finally, this month, I accepted myself as Demi-Panromantic and as a Demigirl. I came out to my boyfriend two days ago and he's REALLY supportive. I also told my bffs online, who are all happy for me! Heck, my sister is glad that I finally accept myself!Now, why a Demigirl? Well, because I don't feel 100% like a girl. I do identify as one, but not 100%. I do a lot of things guys do. I play football, compete in archery, and have a very masculine mind. Although, I go by feminine pronouns. :3So, I hoped you enjoyed my weird journey of self discovery! I'm sure a lot of you guys had it ten times easier. ;-;Bye!

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