Proud To Be Unsure

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By Anonymous


I am unsure. I am unsure of my future job, my future friends, my future love, my future sexuality. I am questioning and I'm okay with that.I first realized I was questioning my sexuality about 3 years ago when I saw a very beautiful girl and I felt physically attracted to her. I am a girl myself, so I thought it was odd, but I quickly dismissed it. Girls always think other girls are beautiful, that must have been all it was.Similar occurrences happened time and time again, but I always dismissed them. I did question my sexuality, but never for too long. I still found boys attractive, just as I always have. It was no big deal.A little over a year ago, I first was introduced to the concept of bisexuality. It really intrigued me, as I have always had these feelings of attraction towards girls. In the past six months, due to some medical complications, I have has lot of time to myself. I've thought about my sexuality and while watching Glee, I heard a quote that really spoke to me."It's not who you're attracted to, it's who you fall in love with."After thinking about that I realised it doesn't matter what my sexuality is, it matters who I'm in love with. No matter what I am I'm still me. I will always be me.I am constantly questioning my sexuality. I may always question. No matter how long I ask myself, it won't matter. All that will ever matter is who I loveI am questioning.

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