Queer (Extremely)

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By Max celestialmax


Probably like most of the people who have their stories in this book, I'm a queer mess. I don't even know when it started, probably from the day sometime in primary school where I accidentally kissed my best friend. My FEMALE best friend. I still identified as a normal, straight, girl then, but I'm sure I'm not anymore. Honestly, from that moment on, I couldn't stop thinking about it.

First of all, I was confused why my reflexes wanted me to do that, and if it was even normal. Until I turned 11 I didn't really know about LGBTQ+ and that there was such a large array of humans who don't love the opposite gender. Or are the gender they were born as. Until a month or two ago, I thought I was pansexual. Honestly, I didn't really know the sexuality I am now existed until Pride Month this year. There is a clear difference between them. Pansexuality is when you don't see a person's gender and you just love them, and omnisexuality is when you do, but it doesn't bother you and you don't choose a person for that.

I see people's genders. I'm sure most people do. But do I care? Should you even care? I don't think you should choose the person you love just because of your gender. Just like you shouldn't disrespect someone's gender. I've had a lot of experience with that. I'm closeted to my family, both with sexuality and gender, and I know I'm gender queer, but I haven't really had enough space and opportunity to discover my gender for real. At the moment, I go by gender-neutral or male pronouns, as I feel more comfortable with them, but that changes for everyone. No one should wake up every morning, and feel scared to go through their day just because of their identity in the LGBT community. No one should be pushed away from family and friends. We are a community. And we are a family. And we need to stay strong.

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