Roller Coaster of Emotions

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By Kate


Everything really began when my best friend told me that she liked me. (My friend lives in Arizona and I've known her since 4th grade) The next month, I had developed a bit of a crush on her too. Though, I was so afraid to tell her because my parents would never let me love a girl. I called her one day after school, and told her. We did a lot of talking and stuff, and the next day she asked me to be her girlfriend. About a week after, I told my dad that I was bisexual. He said that as long as I'm happy, he's happy. My mom gave me a shove and said "Psh. No you're not. You just want to be like your friend." That pissed me off..a lot. I told her it was how I feel, and that my friend is perfect that the way she is. A month after that, my parents banned me from talking to her. It broke me. I had nobody to talk to. I was just alone. I started to secretly talk to her over WattPad. We've been talking since the beginning of March in private. I found out that she was coming to visit in May and I just..screamed. Just the thought of seeing her again just made me feel so happy inside. (I was-and still am-going through a rough time in middle school with my math class, depression, etc.) so I knew my parents would never let me see her, so I began to think of ways we could see each other without them knowing. My friend even offered to help me out because they knew how much I really loved her and missed her. I came up with the idea that since she is on summer break during May and I'm not, we could meet up in front of my school and see each other. To my surprise, it actually might work. I really might be able to see her. Only god knows what's in store for us, but we love each other and that's what matters most. The stars have been aligned for us

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