Smiles and Rainbows

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By Insanity


Hello! My internet name is Insanity, I am 14 years old, and I am gender queer and pansexual. I started discovering that I was pan a while ago. I had started to realize that there were girls that I liked because I go for personality, not looks. When it comes to the boys around me, none of them have common interests or understand how I feel. It's just recently that I discovered I'm gender queer. I've only told my 3 best friends about being gender queer, but a small group of people already know about the fact that I have a girlfriend. It didn't take me long to realize I was in love, and it helped that A. She was one of my best friends, and B. She is also pan and still discovering her sexuality. We both had a discussion about it one day while ice skating together. We came out to each other, but it didn't feel right to date yet. We recently got together and I'm happier than I've ever been. She is my everything and I honestly would fall apart without her. The bad part is that I still haven't told my parents. Telling my parents just seems a bit strange and I don't really know how to come out. I tell the world how I feel some day, but until then I'll happily go on living knowing that I am who I am, and no one can change that. Don't be afraid to be happy. You're you, and nothing can change that. Smiles and rainbows, lgbtq for the win! Bye!:)

(P.S. in case my girlfriend sees this, I love you!❤)

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