The happy part of my love

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By FireKelpie


I don't remember when I found out I was lesbian it was more of a Feeling. I do remember though when I had a legit relationship with a female. Her name was Katelyn, and she was the most beautiful girl ever. When I first met her its was the beginning of the school year and i was in 7th grade. I met her through a friend named Anna. I begun to like her I asked her out once she declined. After a while, we did grow together starting at her sleepover during truth or dare, it was kind of when I lerned to kiss. The day after her sleepover before my parents picked me up there was this one time and we just sat there hugging for like 2 hours listening to panic, I hold that moment close to my heart still. My sleepover before my birthday came, and that day we started dating. I was the happiest person alive. Anyway, I would lean on her on the bus. Small relationship stuff, we never really kissed, but a week and a half later she broke up with me, I was upset but I never showed it. I tried dating someone else but it felt empty and hollow, like a black hole I couldn't escape from. The day I found out Anna broke be and Katelyn up because she was jelous I had a spark of hope for my friendship to be somthing more once agian.

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