The Story of Myself ~ Part 2: Months Later

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By Elliott iridescentkilljoy


Hiya! It's me again! Oh boy, how time has flown by.

So just an update. J, from my last milestone, is gone. He turned away and hurt me so much that I don't want to look back on that phase of true love. The phase that was just a mistake.

In November, a week after my birthday, I came out over a text to my mom that I was pansexual and transgender. It went..difficult. She 'accepted' it. But now, I am still remaining cisfemale. And yes, I know, "it may take a while," but that's not what I want. I am only starting now, beginning to transitioning in secret. But came out to change fully, and I know one day, I can.

But I joined a site and discovered a amazing group of people who I treasure dearly. And that's where I met the love of my life, Ryan.

Moral of the story; as it is stressful, difficult, cancerous, self-esteem-destroying, fighting is worth it. If you believe that you can be the you that you deserve, you can be that. Take my word for it.

Take my strength and fight, fellow LGBTQ+ member, fight alongside me.

Love, Elliott

P.S. Ryan, you are my shield in this battle. Thank you.

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