Thinking of coming out

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By GuacoInMyTaco


My name is Taco, and I am a genderflux female and I'm pansexual. This is tricky for me because I'm the only person I know that is genderflux. It's very pressuring, and therefore I am still in the closet about my gender. However, I'm considering coming out about my sexuality, especially now that my girlfriend asked me out.

So it was the last day of school, and me and her (I'm going to call her Callie) were hanging out, talking about life and what we were doing over the summer. Callie then started looking really figety, and she told me she wanted to tell me something.

Now, at this point, I had been crushing on her for around a month, and I was getting all nervous as well. I told her that no matter what, I'd always be there for her, and she started trying to say something but couldn't get the words out. Callie then took out her phone and started typing something in her notes. This took her about three minutes to type up, and wow that was the longest three minutes of my life. Callie handed the phone over with her confession that she liked me as more than a friend. I, of course, asked her to be my girlfriend on the spot.

We've been in a happy relationship since, unknown to anyone. If anyone has tips and/or ways to come out, I would be forever grateful.

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