Truth Be Told

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By Maddie. B


On my 16th birthday party, I decided to have a sleepover with my friends Lilly, Hannah, and Katie. I had already been out to Hannah for about 5 months, and I wanted Lilly and Katie to know the truth too.

I was thankful  that  I had decided to have a sleepover because I wasn't ready to come out to my parents yet, and this would give me some time alone with my friends, and nobody else would be there.

Well anyways, it was about 3:00 in the morning, and I remember telling my self over and over again to just get it over with and tell them. But it was almost like something was physically holding me back. I sat there on the couch for what felt like an entirety quietly listing to the conversations going on around me. When finally at 3:40 am, I just tell myself that it was now or never, and so I just in a quiet barely audible voice say, "Hey guys...I need to tell you something."

I could feel their eyes all looking at me, but I was unable to make eye contact, still shaking with fear. "I'm bisexual," I said at last. Katie then just looked at me, shrugged her shoulders, and said "Yeah, okay, whatever." Hannah just said, "Well, you already told me, and I still feel the same way now as I did then, you're still the same person, and I will always be your friend." Lilly, who just sat in silence for a few minutes, then turned to me and said, "Yeah, I think I might be bisexual too."

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