What am I called?

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By Liz


Hi my name is liz

A couple weeks ago after hearing about people being transgender and bisexual,etc. I looked into what I would qualify as. I fit perfectly under Questioning.

I told my best friend,we'll call her J, she said she too was questioning. Weeks went by and now we are in march I started to realize I actually had small feelings for her. I was shocked because I had a crush on a boy and now on her and I didn't know what I was!

I talked with my bisexual best friend and she said I might be Bi

if I am it scares me... why? My parents are not homophobic but they don't really like it to much.. they are neutral. I'm afraid if I tell them I might be bisexual they might freak, I'm also afraid to ruin stuff with J.

If you are reading this please know we shouldn't be afraid of who we are. Its all part of nature so why hide it? My next milestone is coming out of the closet :) even though I may never admit to being Bi and finally figuring it out just this past Saturday I will still try my best to!

~ Liz

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