Why I hate the name Anna.

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By Sammie ReganTrash


Basically, I now know that I'm pansexual and genderfluid and I have a very healthy relationship with another genderfluid human and I'm pretty happy, but fifth grade... fifth grade was a different story. To everybody else I was already a freak because I had a counselor that I would see from time to time and had random outbursts of anger (which have since passed, thank God.) so I was already pretty low on friends. Anyways, I came to the sudden realization in the middle of Social Studies while I was seated next to my close friend Anna, that Anna was really pretty and that I really liked her. So for the next few days I was like 'I like a girl but I like boys too so what does that make me????' So, eventually, I decided I was bisexual (Upon further thinking and two years passing I know I'm Pansexual now) and decided I had to tell my friends. So, we all had a meeting and I told them, "Hey, I'm bi, and I like Anna. Do I tell her?" and all but one of them said 'Yeah, totally!' so we devised a plan for me to walk up to her, say, "Hey, I have a crush on you!" and then run away (because I was highkey socially awkward even back then) and I did and the aftermath involved rumors, loss of friends, and people being literally afraid of me.

But then middle school happened and I have a group of lgbt friends and a significant other the same biological gender as myself so life is a lot better now.

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