A Letter

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By Ruby


Alright. My name is... Ruby, for now. I'm still young, under 15, and a female. I only recently discovered I was bisexual. I found out after I had just moved and broken up with my boyfriend, and arriving at my new school. Being a damn hopeless romantic, I started to think about my classmates and who I might want to date later on. But it wasn't any boy in my class that caught my eye. It was a girl I first saw at lunch. She was pretty, not ""cheerleader"" type hot, but more girl next store type. Let's call her Penny. Penny made me start to question which gender I was more attracted to. I thought I liked boys, but here I was, suddenly staring at this girl. A few months later, after I met my current friends, I told them about Penny. They were surprised I was bisexual, but two of them being bi as well, they were accepting. Now that my friends were on board, I felt a bit more confident.

A few months later in the second half of school, I decided it was time to tell my parents. I'm terrible at keeping secrets,so it was best I told them, instead of them finding out by themselves. I wrote my parents a letter, explaining bisexuality and how I found out I identified with it. They were immediately accepting of me, and I was relieved. It feels great knowing your family supports you, and that they don't mind what gender you like. This was my discovery slash coming out story, I hope it inspires you to do the same.

Signed, Ruby

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