Admitting It To Myself

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I am a non-binary pansexual. That feels amazing to say. Well the story is I was always confused about who I was. I pushed aside the feelings for anyone who wasn't a boy and that hurt for some reason. As I reached high school, I knew I was not the gender that I was born to be. So I did some digging and found non-binary, which was a mix of both genders so I felt the description fit me perfectly. Then I realised I was not just into boys but everyone.When I wanted to come out to my friends, the topic of LGBTQ came up which I thought was the perfect opportunity until one of them said they hated 'those people'. So I walked away crying. I never spoke to them again.

I had to get help for bullying due to my beliefs and when I went there I met a beautiful person (also non-binary) laughing which caused anxiety in my chest because they were flawless and luckily they were not straight but sadly they didn't feel the same but they love me as a friend and I will get over them.

I have sadly remained closeted at school and home due to certain people in my life. But I finally accepted myself and stopped pushing my true self down under am mask.

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