Being Myself

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By Jupiter jupiterrDuh


Hi, I'm Jupiter also known as Faith to most of the people I used to know.

So, yes.. I'm bisexual and genderfluid, genderfluid means I feel both's not about what we have in the area- anyways! Yes hi.I found out I was bisexual when I was crushing on this boy about 2 years ago..then my ex-girlfriend asked me to be hers? Take note that I was born female. Of course I said yes, and that's not only when I found out I was Bi..I found myself interested more into both genders when I was young.Now, the genderfluid part? I've had arguments with people such as "do you have a vagina or a dick?" Or "are you one person?" Cause my pronouns are they/them..I hate those arguments mostly because I've had them with unacceptable people. Genderlfuid..ah, I found out a few months ago I was genderfluid, I found myself basically want to be a boy..then going back to the thought of being female. Okay, so, I went to counselling and told my counsellor I was genderfluid..she brought up Trans? I didn't mention trans but hey I'd love to be a boy! So I was up for it and I know it kind of sounds stupid? She sighed me up another appointment with another counsellor who was going to talk to me about trans stuff..before that I talked to me mom about it and I said "mom, my counsellor said that me and my other counsellor are going to talk about trans stuff.." but she just ignored it, ignored me? So the next day we went back, and my counsellor was hard, and I mean she asked me really HARD questions,and kept trying to get me to answer. Nothing happened after that, but I honestly thing my mom told her to do that? I'm not sure at all.Another thing, my grandma/gookum was bashing gays, bisexuals in front of me.. yes I was hurt but you know what? I didn't let it get to me.My sexuality, my gender, and soul is who I am..and I'm not going to let anyone change it, ever.I see a ton of homophobes, and now I see why some people are scared to be themselves, because of these people..But, if you are getting insulted for who you are, for who you love, what gender you are? Then you know what? You have probably half the world by your side in this, you're not alone. No one should deserve to be kicked out or treated a different way for being who the heckle they are."A world so hateful some would rather die then be who they are."Now, BAI! Thanks for having me in this book and reading this chapter!♡

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