Coming Out To My Friends

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By Chassidy


I have three friends who I didn't tell my sexuality to. I have been telling all of my other friends, but they already figured it out before I even did.

I first told my friend, Jeanne, who is full on straight. Like, she even randomly says: "I'm straight. Not bisexual or gay. Straight." Or: "I'm definitely straight." 

It pisses me off sometimes, but I still love her dearly. When I told her, she didn't even get mad/upset. She felt relieved and SHE came out. A girl who continuously said: "I'm straight," came out.

The second person I told was a out-of-state friend, Sawyer.

I called him, instead of texting him, telling him I needed to tell him something and asked him if he could wait a day or two. He asked why and I told him that I needed to think about it.

I bought a plane ticket.

I arrived at his house and, of course, he was surprised and I told him and all I received from him was a long hug.

My third friend, Samantha, she took it pretty well. She was confused at first because I brought Bri but she figured it out.

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