Coming Out To My Religious Mom

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By Nadia


My coming out was not done purposefully. It was too my religious and homophobic mom. I wanted to show her the animation "In a Heartbeat" for fun. At the end she gave me a skeptical look and I asked how'd she think of it.

She replied with a no.

I asked why and she said "cause it's gay!"

I kept asking if it's straight would she like it she replied with a yes and no but with gay? She said "absolutely not!"

We went into an agreement about it and she really ticked me off by saying "oh god doesn't want this" and "These gays aren't allowed in any religion" and I wanted to just end by leaving. But I couldn't. I couldn't end it.

And it frustrates me so much.

We continued until she brought it upon me...and my friends.

I started by saying my friends are apart of it as well.

She was disgusted.

I was even angrier. I wanted to do whatever to stop her from saying this bull about my friends.

She then asked bout me...

I was angry and nervous but said it confidently.

"I am pansexual"

She was also disgusted.

Saying stuff like "I can make you straight" ,"what did I do to deserve this" and so on.

I said I have a girlfriend who was also my best friend and she continued saying these things angrier then before.

Luckily my sister came in too distract her.

Later that week she talked to me about it twice.

This was not that long ago almost a month ago.

She's still angry and so am I. But I'm happy with my girlfriend even if she's not.

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