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By alienated-michael


Hi, my name is Micheal, and I'm genderfluid and bisexual. This is my story about my first (and current) boyfriend, Ethan.

Okay, I met Ethan around the start of 6th grade year and we've been best friends since then... like, we were almost as close as you could get without being in a sexual or romantic relationship.

It was in 8th grade when I think we really clicked. 8th grade year, my brother was put in the hospital because of something that was going on with his heart. He's all okay now, but when he was in the hospital, any minute he could just drop dead. I was terrified.

I was having one of my panic attacks when I texted Ethan. At the time, my mom was at the hospital with my brother so it was just me and my baby sister. Anyway, he called me and we talked for a little and then he convinced his brother to drive him to my house and when he got to the house, we decided to watch my favorite movie, The purge, until it was almost morning, then he used my ukulele and sang me to sleep. He was even there when I woke up, and it was in the middle of a school day.
(His mom was pissed that he left and didn't come home an hour later like he promised. He was grounded and made him do extra chores or something.)

Then, freshman year I joined the swim team and when you swim the mile, you have have a counter, someone who counts your laps for you and puts a sign down in the water on your lest lap. So I had a swim meet one weekend, and he agreed to be my counter for my mile.

So at the meet, he was counting for me, and I was nearing my last lap. I was exhausted, it was a horrible day, a horrible meet, I just wanted to finish this stupid race and go home and eat. Finally, I noticed the sign that indicated that is was my final lap, but next to it was another sign that read:

""Date me? -E"" and a smiley face.

See I've had a crush on him since we met and I've been dreaming for this day. Butterflies filled my stomach and I quickly finished the race and I get out, not bothering to check my time, and ran to Ethan at the other side of the pool. He saw me and ran as well, and we met halfway in a hug. I said yes, obiously.

His brother drove him to my house and he said goodbye with an awkward kiss goodbye, and we've been together even since.

And I couldn't be happier.

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