Finding Them

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By YuuxiKatsuki


Well...Something that I didn't think would happen, from the moment I knew there was such thing as a "Homosexual" was that I'd end up part of that magical club.

And, no, I'm not gay. I'm Panromantic, Demisexual, and Non-Binary.

I was in relationships before I found the first person I truly loved, from the bottom of my heart. I was in two hetero relationships, one ending because the idiot couldn't accept that I was Demi and he wanted sex in a relationship, and the other because I realized I was dating someone unstable who'd hurt me in the end. I was also in a poly...but I didn't feel loved.

Then, I found out that I loved them. They were my best friend, and they had just gotten out of a relationship, but, I just...realized...that I wasn't meant to be "just friends" with them. I realized how they meant more to me than just loving them platonically.

Sadly, once I told them, it took a bit of time for us to realize that we'd be able to make it with the name "girlfriends" or "theyfriends." But, when it finally happened, I was over the moon.

Two of our other friends, who were already dating, hardcore shipped us, along with our other friend. We were given a ship name...Joranna.

I could never be happier with a person like them. They're all I care about, the reason my heart beats, the reason why I am still breathing. The reason I bare a genuine smile each day, the reason why I get up and show my face in the broken world we live in.

Sadly, not everyone likes a gay relationship.

I was raised in a Christian family...after being adopted. Even though I go to service and everyone at church loves me for me, I face the harshness of my sexuality in many other places. School, home, anyone who knows and disagrees, I am a sinner to.

But...hey. I cant control who I love, and I will face the myriad of people who disagree, if I get to love them. Its not a problem. I'll go through the world, my sexuality in tow.

I like it like that...

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