First Time

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I was at a party. Well, I wouldn't really call it that...more of a small get-together for someone's birthday. It was Friday night and I was currently very confused. About...who I was. I had been straight for a long time, but after going on Tumblr, and Pinterest, and all these other sites, I began questioning my sexuality. I have homophobic parents, but I couldn't worry about that. Not yet. I tried talking to some people through supportive sites like 7 Cups Of Tea, though they didn't really help. Anyway, back to the party. I arrived late, because my dad was in traffic and couldn't come home to drop me off until an hour. But that was okay. I came in the middle of dinner, and yet I still managed to eat two plates and finish before everyone else. There were only about 4 other people there, including the birthday girl. One I didn't recognize, because she went to a different school, 2 were my friends, and one I had seen around school a couple of times, but never talked to. She was wearing a lot of makeup, for people our age anyway, and a Nike SW00SH sweatshirt, but somehow managed to make it work. Soon, I suggested a game, and we all played it. The SW00SH girl called me pretty at one point. It was probably in a girl way you know, because immediately afterwards she said, "I mean, you're all pretty, but you know" That made me feel nice. A different kind of nice. We kept playing games and having fun all throughout the night and the SW00SH girl and I eventually became 'friends.' Acquaintances? Whatever. Soon-to-be friends. I got her number at the end of the night and left the place feeling that feeling of "Oh man...I AM bi." But also...happy. The girl already ha a boyfriend, and I'm not sure if she's bi, but one can hope. Thia all happened last night, and now I have a new friend. We may or may not grow into something, but it's all good. Because this new crush feeling, on a GIRL, feels great. And that's great.

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