How I Came Out

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By _unicorn_girl_13_


Um hi so this I my story of how I came out as bisexual to my mum.

I'd already told a few of my friends and they were fine with it and I knew I'd have to tell my parents some day. I have a friend who is also bisexual, let's just call her M for now. So M and I had been talking about how I could come out to my parents and she'd given me a few options like do a hypothetical or tell her one of my friends is bisexual and I wanted to know what it meant. I was going to do the hypothetical but I was scared of how they would react so I talked to M some more and we had decided that after choir when mum picked me up that she would tell my mum for me and I agreed with that.So the next day was the same as every other day until choir. I was nervous and a bit excited at the same time. M and I waited until everyone had pretty much left and that's when it happened. Mum was fine with it and I was so happy about it. I've still to tell the rest of my family but that was a milestone for me.So that's my story of how I came out to my mum.

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