How I Came Out to My Brother

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By schizochamaeleon


So a couple nights ago I decided it was time to come out to my brother. I originally was going to have my girlfriend (I'm a girl as well) be with me when I did it but she got busy. So I did it alone. My brother no longer lives with us so it would be more difficult to come out to him. I couldn't decide wether I wanted to do it through the phone or text. I then realized my mother and stepdad would hear my conversation *who I am still closeted to* if I called him so I just went with texting him. He has a friend named Andrew that was bicurious so I planned on asking if my brother, Ben, had anything against Andrews sexuality.

This is how the conversation went.

Me: Hey bennnn?

Ben: What woman

Me: Are you still friend with Andrew?

Ben: Yeahhhh...?

Ben: Why?

Me: He's bi right?

Ben: Not really

Ben: He used to be tho.

Me: Did you have any problems with that?

Ben: No. I don't have any problems with that even tho I'm straight.

Ben: I've had many time I thought I was gay.

Me: Ok good. Because I'm bi lol.

Ben: Yeah I know

Ben: I'm not stupid

Me: Wait what?

Me: How tf do you know?

Ben: Elizabeth *thats my real name* it's obvious

Me: Is it really?

Ben: For me yeah because I'm not stupid.

That's pretty much the entire coming out story for me!

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