How I Found Out I Was Bi

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By Anna


Hello, everyone! I hope you can take the time and I hope if you're struggling with your sexuality, this could help you maybe?It started out a little bit until summer vacation. I really liked hanging out with this girl in my science class, who I'll call Bubbles, because I can.Once, Bubbles lost her phone (someone stole it) and I literally went on a man hunt to find it, because that's what friends do.... Just friends. (She got a new phone in the end though)Bubbles (to me) was super nice, caring, funny, preeetttttyyyy....But, I didn't think anything of what I was feeling.Fast forward to about two weeks into Summer vacation, and I just happen to be on her instagram, but this totally means nothing. Pfft, just friends.Then, it hit me.'Do I like Bubbles?' I thought. Then, I got a really funny feeling in my stomach.'I DO....  :O' And then that's when I knew I wasn't straight :DAnd so, I continued looking at her Instagram, looking at how cute she looked in her selfies and getting sad she only had a few of them. Fast forward to a while later, still during Summer, and I was at a hotel with my family for my little sister's birthday (we went to sea world YEE) And I remember being in the exhibits for the fish and animals there, and my mom just asking me 'Are you okay, honey?' And I made an excuse and just quickly told her I was just tired, but I was really just so fricking upset and confused about Bubbles, and I felt as if I opened my mouth to talk anymore, I'd start crying. That was depressing. But I continued on like that for a while. I knew what bi was, and being gay was and pan, poly, etc. (I did research) and I hated everything around that time because I just wanted to say 'I'm straight' or 'I'm gay'. I knew I liked boys AND girls, but I knew that BI people got asked for threesomes, or were called 'greedy' or some other stupid crap that's not true. So, I convinced myself I was a lesbian.NOW, let's skip some more :DSome time later, I finally talked to a friend, who would like to be named as my 'Gay Swimsuit'. 'Sensei' autocorrect to Swimsuit, and we just stuck with that.Shes Poly, so she was like a little guide I had. She talked to me, she helped out some- scratch that, A LOT. And she helped me realize I was bi. I knew it, I just hadn't accepted myself yet.So, I ignored it, not denying it. And soon enough I finally smelt the roses and just thought 'I'm bi'. It was really easy too. I knew then, I was good with myself.So, if this helps you, or you're just here for people's stories, either way thank you for listening to it. I hope this helps someone out there, and that's allHeheh, BI for now get it? Because, like bi... bye... Um, ok that's all *cough* THANKS, BYE!-me

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