Labels Out the Metaphorical Window

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By Dodie


Hi. It's me again, Dodie. I'm a demigirl who likes cartwheels. And girls. And dragons.

I can't even do cartwheels. I just like the feeling I get when walking up walls to practise a fake handstand which hopefully in a few months time will give me the courage to attempt a cartwheel, fail miserably and not care a button. So yeah. One thing down. I'm very feminine. I love dresses and perfumes and flower crowns and earrings and squealing whenever there's a puppy near by. But, guys and gals and non-binary pals can do that too. But yeah, I feel very feminine. So, I identify as demigirl because it feels right. And who cares if it doesn't feel right in two hours or three years. Maybe it will feel right forever. I don't know. I don't care. And that's the most amazing thing now. I. Don't. Care. My first milestone chapter was me stressing out about labels and love and everything because I thought 'Damn, I cant do this everything has to be figured out now before I get too old and don't care' now I'm burning all of these sticky labels and sticky notes and badges that say something about me because who cares!!? I don't. Okay, gender down, sexuality to go! I like girls. Like really like girls. Can we talk about the lesbian flag a sec because it's real pretty and very autumnal. But back to me liking girls. I think I'm just non conforming in this bit. I feel lesbian today. Tomorrow I might feel pansexual. The next day I might believe I'm straight as a ruler that is very straight. One day I might wake up in a cold sweat at 3am and think 'oh my life I think gender fluid people are damn cute' One day in the future, I might feel like I'm something that may not even exist yet! So, there we have it. I'm happy. Isn't that all that matters?If I can't do a cartwheel right now but still like the feeling looking forward to being able to doing one makes me feel, so be it. I'm Dodie. A feminine demigirl who likes girls and is currently burning a pack of post it's I bought from the works last month. Oh well. They make the metaphorical fire look pretty.

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