Lies On Top Of Heartbreaks

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By C


Love is a funny thing. A real funny thing. Actually no, love sucks. It REALLY does. It's such a pain. I'm back with another lovely heartbreak story. Not with Leylie but with...Mia. I know I had a code name for Leylie but I don't really care anymore. Her real name is Leydaly, but this story isn't about her. It's about Mia. I told you how Leydaly dumped me and that I was with Mia now. Well, now I'm not. I'm single. Once again. I'm a 13 year old lesbian, who let her anxiety take over, and left the best thing that ever happened to her. Yes, I know I broke up with Mia, so why am I bawling?? I told Mia I wanted to wait.

Because's kinda silly, isn't? Dating in middle school? We can't go anywhere, do anything, so what's the point? I was freaking out about us. After I texted her that, I immediately regretted it. Knowing my mistake I cried. And cried. And cried. Until I fell asleep and woke up the next morning to my annoying alarm. A few days later one of my friends Leila, comes up to me in PE, telling me how she's dating Mia. You see, I also dated Leila. I went out with her after Leydaly because I was sad. And Leila had confessed her undying love for me after Leydaly broke up with me. I turned to Leila. But it felt wrong so I broke it off 3 months later. Besides that Leila kept reminding me how much she loved me even after I broker HER heart. Even after Mia. Then she told me. The news. Her news. "Mia and I are going out." I could literally feel my heart stop. Déjà vu. Uh oh. It was unbelievable. I didn't want it to happen again. Didn't it want go through that again. I cried. I just poured tears. Right there and then. In front of Leila. She smiled. Not caring at all. Days pass. Weeks pass. Until it becomes unbearable.

Ignoring Mia was all I did, but I couldn't take it anymore. I texted her. I asked her about Leila. She denied they ever went out. Denied everything. Told me she loved me. Told me she cared. Maybe Leila was lying. Maybe. I was angry. Angry at Leila for making me feel this way. Could it all be a lie? Is Mia telling the truth? I don't know. I just went with my gut. And accused her of lying. "I don't believe you," I texted her over Snapchat.

Mia: "And here I thought you loved me."

Mia: "Guess I was a fool."

Me: "Guess you were."

Mia: "Leila was right about you. You are a slut."

Mia: "All this was a game to you. For your little entertainment. You faked everything, huh?"

Mia: "You're a whore."

Me typing...

I was typing this long text. Explaining everything. Explaining exactly how I feel. It took me several minutes. Almost done with the text when I receive, "Leave me alone, forever." And like that, she blocked me. Blocked my number too. I never sent that text. I couldn't.

No later then a week I find out she's with somebody. A boy. Wanna know his name? Bob. Or Bobby. Now that, defined the word empty. I was empty. Now this was real déjà vu. Going out with a guy after a breakup. Like Leydaly, dating some other boy, now like Mia, dating some other boy. Oh and something that really took me over the edge was that I now realized they're both in my classes. Leydaly's boytoy is in my PE class, and Mia's new lover is in my Science class. Yay me. Today I saw them though, together in the hall. She was walking him to his class, how cute. Feeling a sharp ache in my chest, I screamed. Not in hallway, but in the girls bathroom. It hurts. It brings me pain. Worse pain then Leydaly brought me, I think. Just writing this hurts me. It's killing me. I think she still cares. I hope she does. Because she told me, I'm her first. Her first love. That must mean something, right?



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