Not Everyone Can Accept You

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By Forbids


Hi guys, as obvious as it sounds, Im part of the LGBT+ community and I'm pansexual. So uhmmm where do I start? Oh well, this days I thought I'm turning asexual or having a flatline since I wasn't feeling any genuine care to others so after a few months have passed by and i found the definition of pansexual, I was caught off guard that I just realize im pan. My family is a very religious christians, tbh im not believing that religion but i do know for sure is that there is a god. I know that. Anywho, so my entire family didnt know im bi or pan but I told me sexuality to my friends and well, they accepted me, I was happy so I wasn't ashame anymore. Then I was in a middle of chatting with my childhood friend, lets just call her Joy, anyway, we knew each a while back and last year she just went to korea so we have to communicate through Facebook or Messenger, we were good friends and she was one of the people i want her to accept my gender so I told her and she was like

"Why cant you just love a normal guy?"

I was shock, I mean why? Out of all my friends, she was the one who know me from child to now but i hide the pain and think for an excuse

"Even if I'm pan, I can still like a normal guy, right?" I replied

Then she replied with a

"Oh, ok just dont be lesbo." With a fake smile and sweat emoji

That day forward, I realize not all can accept you thats why you'll just have to focus on staying with the ppl that understands and accept you whether its family or not. Thank you for reading this and have a good day

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