Overall, Human

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By SweetLikeCandyXoxo


Here goes nothing

For nearly two years now, I've been telling myself and everyone else that I'm Bi. That I like boys AND girls.

I think that I've been telling people that because I thought that if I at least liked girls, that people would be okay with my sexuality. But by doing this I've been lying to myself and everybody else.

I thought it was about other people accepting me and what everyone else thought about me. But it's not.

It's about accepting myself and who I am, in my own skin, and not caring about what other people think or say about me.

It's about not giving a shit and not being scared to do things you love. And I'm done hiding my true identity.

I wanna March in pride parades, I wanna scream at the top of my lungs that I'm proud of who I am, and I want to love who I want.

My name is Peyton Edward Galen James and I'm gay, I'm proud, but overall I'm human.

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