So, You're Bi?

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By SolarHibiscus


Basically, not to long ago I came out to my friends as bisexual. I'm pansexual, but coming out as bi is easier as a lot people don't believe in pansexuality or have no idea what it is ('so you're bi?') but the thing is I'be not come out to my family. The whole thing is confusing, they say they'll accept me for whoever I am and that they'll support me wherever they need, but they're homophobic. Gay is an insult to them and it's really awkward.

I don't know how to come out to them, because I want to tell my friends I'm actually pan, not bi, but I'm worried they'll say something like, 'just decide your sexuality already!'

I'm just wondering what I should do. I'm not ashamed of my sexuality in any way, it's just I don't know how to tell my parents.

I always though coming out to my dad would be easier, but his wife, Laura, already thinks bi people are greedy enough, let alone someone who's into more than just boys or girls

I just want some advice after coming to terms with my sexuality.

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