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Lately I've been feeling a little more confident with my sexuality.

So first how I knew. I guess I have always known. I never had feelings for boys but an attraction towards girls. So when I went to my secondary school, (an all girls school) there was a girl I started to crush on and I hated myself for it. I started to feel like I wasn't right, that I shouldn't be here. But that wasn't true. After a couple of months I started to realise that everyone is different, no one is wrong for falling in love with who they want to.

Who I told. I am sort of still working on my confidence about fully coming out but I have told some people. Most of the people I told are not heterosexual and about three are. This year though I had a friend and we were just talking in the music practise room when we were meant to be writing a song. Yeah, didn't happen. The thing was I needed to tell someone about my day that had been really awkward. But all my friends had gone home while I'm sitting in this club. I turn around to her and say 'look I'm not straight' and she replies with 'neither am I' and so we start talking and I've promised her if someone is picking at her for sexuality come to me, as she's half way out the closest.

Lastly, the set up. I'm not fully out and I want to be but not quite yet. So as my spoken language assessment I did it on 'Why LGBTQ+ should be in the compulsory curriculum?' I talked about issues such as bullying, homophobia, transphopia and a little biphobia for my best friend. The thing is my form acted great to it. Not one homophobic, transphobic or biphobic word. And I feel safer coming out to my form. Then hopefully my parents.

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