The Blue Eyed Beast

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By Izz


Hello lgbtq+ or allied potatoes! I myself am gay and would like to share my story about my first crush, I'll just call her 'Lion'?

So, Lion was my best friend, we had literally everything in common. My school has this metal box where you can sit on and that's all that we did at break.

We both sat on this box and would talk about whatever was on our minds. One day I was watching Youtube and wasn't even paying attention at all because all I thought about was her.

Lion was very pretty, she had beautiful blue eyes and long blond hair. I then realized I had a crush, on my best friend.

The thought of having a crush on my own friend just kind of screwed with my mind. I was so scared our amazing friendship would just turn to dust. The next day I went up to her and told her I was gay.

She literally just nodded and asked if I had a crush on her. My cheeks were so red and she could tell I did. Her eyes rolled as Lion threw some lgbtq+ insults at me.

I cried all day mostly because I lost my only and best friend but also because I felt like no one would accept me.

To this day I am still closeted and lonely, but at least I can accept myself.

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