The Powers of Texting

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By Albany


Hi, my name's Albany (switched for privacy reasons), and this is a short summary of all of the experiences I've had in the lgbtq+ section of my life, including some (mainly) funny and serious moments. Also, all of the names mentioned are not the person's real name, again, for privacy reasons.

In elementary school, I didn't really have any crushes on anyone, but I used to stare at the girls more than usual, but I was young, so I pushed it out of my mind until seventh grade, where I found Wattpad, and was introduced to the wide wide world of fanfics. I started learning the definitions of lgbtq+ terms, and around that time, my science teacher switched our seats (she does that every unit) so I was sitting next to a girl who we'll call Sarah.

She was very studious, and always made sure all of the work was done, and I eventually found out she was applying for the science club at our school. I quickly applied (I had been in it before), and I got in as well as her, and we were even on the same team, although a few days later, the teacher who runs the program moved Sarah to a different team, but we still talk to each other about school and other stuff like that, especially in science class and PE.

I eventually started developing a major crush on Sarah, and she's so sweet and really smart, but I'm paranoid that I'll be embarrassed if I ask her what her sexuality is, although I'm working up the courage to ask for her number (I'm an extremely shy person around people who aren't close friends with me). During lunch, one of my other friends, who we'll call Allie, asked who I had a crush on (this was before I started crushing on Sarah), so I told her I was bisexual, and she came out to me as pansexual. I came out to two of my friends accidentally (again, before the Sarah crush), because in Language Arts, we were in the same table group (we had a young Language Arts teacher who is one of my fav teachers to this day), and we were reading a section of The Odyssey in class (good book, read it sometime), and we were mocking quotes from the Bible (where I live nearly everyone is atheist or not very religious), and it eventually got to me saying "the Bible says that two men can't sleep together. It never said anything about women!" (I knew 100% the Bible was applying to both genders, I just wanted to make a loophole devoid of social norms).

My friends asked if I was homosexual, and I said I was out of laziness to correct them (I'm an American what do you expect), but they supported me, so I'm happy, then we went on the joke about identifying as a piece of paper, so I'm thinking about coming out to them with my true sexuality. Finally, I was texting my friend while I was visiting Ireland, and I was saying how cold and rainy it was, and I randomly texted to her that I was bisexual. She supported me, then we kept on texting about school problems. I haven't come out to my parents or my brother yet because I have literally NO idea how they'll react.

On the plane ride from Ireland, I had a lot of time to think about my sexuality and gender orientation (we had to go from Dublin to Boston to Detroit to out final destination I was awake for 24 HOURS STRAIGHT I was asleep for 12 hours that night), and during elementary school I always wavered between wearing pink dresses and playing with Barbie dolls with the girls and wearing t-shirts and basketball shorts and playing with Lego's with the boys every few months, although now that in middle school I've entered a realm of gender neutrality where I sometimes waive between masculine, feminine, and/or neither. I have crushes on both girls and boys (mainly girls), but I only see myself marrying a girl, so I don't even know anymore, although I'm hoping to ask Sarah for her phone number once school starts back up after the break.

Anyway, that's my convoluted story. I'm probably going to tell my parents and brother when I move out after college, but I'm hoping to ask Sarah before summer break begins and we become high schoolers. Hopefully everything will turn out fine.

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