The World Sure Has Its Ways

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I never paid attention to my sexuality before. I always thought I was 'normal' in that part, well, cause everything else is deemed 'abnormal.' Back then when I was in my first grade, I had a crush on, let's use an alias, Raph. I did to get his attention, to the point of annoying him. Lol, in second grade, I stalk him. Later days, I was questioned if I had a crush. I told my mom, none, I mean seriously? Who would admit? Obvious as it is, she knew I have one. Then she asked what I liked about him.

Then everything seemed to freeze. I didn't know. Then I started to question myself the same question. 'What did I like about him?' I didn't paid attention at all in his personality, looks.. Just the fact that he likes books. That was it. It took time but.. I came to a realization that I was lonely. I wanted a friend. I wanted him as a friend. Soon, I came across internet and that's the time I knew that I was an Asexual-Aromatic. It was no-shocker, I gain pleasure from enjoyment. I have friends that came to accept me.. But for my parents, they thought I was just 'staggy.' That's because my sexuality is not that believed in my country. I used to believe that I decide what happens next and I get to know how things are, but that was one of many proofs that the world sure has it's ways.

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