chapter x.

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chapter ten – damage.

       Following after Mike towards where the morgue was located, Sage glances around when he pauses to glance inside a room with Sage peeking over his shoulder to see what had captured his attention. A machete was stabbed into a lone table and a bird near it, the same bird immediately cawing and flying away as soon as it caught sight of the two standing in the doorway.

" Take the machete, Mike, " Sage says quietly as she continues to look around, hoping to not see the unknown man jump out at them or anywhere near her and Mike. " We might need it for whatever we run into. "

Mike nods in agreement before opening the ajar door all the way and pulling the machete off the table while muttering to himself, " Oh shit. . Gross. "

The duo exit the room, Mike pausing to grab Sage's hand to grip tightly before continuing to walk along the rooms while telling himself that he just didn't want Sage to get lost in the creepy building, that was it. His longtime friend had already been injured enough, he didn't want to see her go through anymore pain.

Sage spots a wolf's shadow on the wall to her left and watches the shadow move slowly along the wall in fascination before Mike pulled her into a room on their right. Mike heading for a piece of paper on the ground while Sage immediately stops when she notices her reflection on a broken piece of glass on the ground. Her breath hitches as she kneels down slowly before picking up the piece of glass to study herself.

She looked like hell.

" Fuck. . " Sage mutters to herself while continuing to study her reflection. Dried blood covered some of the right side of her face while most of her face was covered in random scratches and dirt from her earlier fall into the mines. Sage reaches up and gently touches the scratch that had started her night full of hell, blinking back tears as a hand suddenly touches her shoulder making the girl jump in surprise.

Mike wordlessly crouches down next to the girl, pulling the piece of glass from her grip before wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into his side. He kisses her temple before standing up once again with Sage quickly following after him. Mike glances at Sage with a worried expression before frowning when she only nods at him.

" I'm okay, Mike. " Sage says quietly as she heads into the next room and immediately pausing in her steps as she notices what was in the center of the room while Mike immediately stops himself when he also notices it. " What the hell? "

" Whoa. . " Mike says in shock, his eyes wide in surprise, as he moves towards the moving arm with a note in it's grasp on the table in the middle of the room. " Is this what he was feeding them? "

" I hope not. " Sage replies with a frown as she stares at the still moving arm. She stands only a few feet from Mike and could only watch in shock as the next few moments erupted infront of her.

Mike goes to grab the note but immediately gets two of his fingers stuck in a bear trap that had appeared out of nowhere. Sage and Mike both letting out loud screams, one out of surprise while the other one was obviously out of pain.

" Holy shit! " Sage cries out as Mike tries to free his trapped fingers but the bear trap only tightens making him wince in pain. " Mike! "

" I'm gonna be fine, Wolfie. . " Mike says as he pulls the machete out from the belt loop that he had put in before holding it out to Sage. He sighs at the bewildered look on her face before explaining what he needed the shorter brunette to do, " You gotta pry the bear trap open. "

" Mike– " Sage immediately shakes her head while protesting the idea with wide eyes. " That's crazy! "

" Come on. . " Mike pleads while still holding the machete to Sage with his now one good hand. " I need you to do this. I obviously can't. "

Sage stares at Mike with wide eyes before finally agreeing to his crazy idea. She takes the machete out of Mike's grasp without a word before taking a deep breath. " Okay. . Okay. . "

" You can do this, S. " Mike grits out as he stares at the obviously nervous girl.

" I can do this. " Sage repeats Mike's words to herself multiple times as her heart hammered like a hummingbird's in her chest while she starts to wedge the bear trap open with the machete. The end of the machete suddenly breaks off causing the opening bear trap to clamp down on Mike's fingers once again. Mike screams out in pain again as Sage mutters repeated apologies to him while trying to open the bear trap once again.

She tries once again to open the bear trap with the machete and almost succeeds but the second third of the machete falls in, just like seconds earlier.

" Ugh! Ah! Fuck! " Mike cries out as the bear trap clamps down on his fingers again. Sage blinks back tears at how much pain Mike was in as she tries to open the bear trap again. Hopefully, the third time was where they got lucky and indeed it was.

Sage was successful in her third attempt to free Mike from the bear trap, her quickly tossing the now broken machete to the side as she rushes to hug Mike tightly.

" Thank you god. . " Mike says quietly as he continues to say thank multiple times while hugging Sage back tightly. The two stayed in each other's arms for a moment before breaking apart, Mike picking the fallen lantern back up and starting to walk into the next room which happend to be the morgue while Sage followed behind him.


Sage grips Mike's noninjured hand tightly as they ventured up the steps of the Chapel while trying to rid their minds of seeing the disgusting body that they had to get the keycard to unlock the chapel off of. In other words, their experience in the morgue had been weird.

The walk up the steps had been deathly quiet until the white wolf that they had seen earlier had suddenly appeared and barked loudly at Mike and Sage. Sage letting out a yelp in surprise as her and Mike immediately ran up the stairs and towards the Chapel with the wolf chasing after them.

" Oh fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck. . . " Mike says repeatedly as he quickly tugs the Chapel door open and tugs Sage inside behind him before slamming the door in the wolf's face.

" Holy shit. " Sage breathes out in shock as she looked at Mike with wide eyes while the two walked into the next room to examine the Chapel.

This really was the night from hell.

authors note.

awkward ending but i didn't wanna finish
chapter five of the game in this chapter oops, but everyone's fav wolf gets some love next chapter!

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