chapter xii.

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chapter twelve – something good.

   " Sage? Come on. . " Mike mutters, his face now almost looking as scratched up as Sage's was due to the explosion that the two had just endured. He continues to lightly shake the knocked out brunette, who had a couple new scratches on her face as well. " Come on, Sage. . Please be okay. "

Mike shakes his head, trying his hardest to focus, as he lightly touches the now reopened scratch on Sage's eyebrow and grimaces when he notices the blood on his fingertips. " Sage. . " His heart hammers even faster as he continues to lightly shake Sage, who was still unresponsive.

Moments later, Sage finally starts to stir with a loud cough making Mike sigh in relief. Her eyes slowly open before she weakly smiles at Mike, who was hovering over.

" Holy shit. " Sage groans, not moving from her place on the ground. " How many times am I going to get knocked out tonight? Five? A hundred? "

Mike shakes his head before cupping her face with his uninjured hand as he looks down at her, " Stop getting knocked out, S. Jesus. I'm more worried about you than me after a damn explosion. "

Sage couldn't help but smile as she slowly sat up to be at eye level with Mike. " It's cute that you worry about me, Mikey. I'm oka– " She was cut off by Mike, who had decided to finally do the one thing that he had been wanting to do since he first saw Sage.

He kissed her.



The journey through the underground tunnels that Mike and Sage had made was pretty fucking confusing if you asked Sage, but you want to know what else was pretty fucking confusing in Sage's world?

The fact that Michael Munroe, her former friend with benefits, had kissed her! Then acted like nothing had now changed between them. Like what? Michael Munroe was the most confusing man that Sage knew.

" Wait. " Mike holds his hand out and effectively stops Sage in her tracks as he peeks inside a wall grate into the adjacent room. He lets out a sigh making Sage raise an eyebrow.

" What is it? " Sage furrows her eyebrows in confusion as she peeks over the edge of Mike's shoulder once again to see inside the room, gasping at what she saw. " It's Sam! What happend to her? Jesus. "

Mike shrugs, having no idea what happend, before tapping on the wall grate, " Sam. . Sam, wake up! "

Sam slowly wakes up from her drugged induced sleep and squints in Mike and Sage's direction with furrowed eyebrows, " Mike? Sage? Is that you guys? "

" Shh! " Mike hisses as he didn't want to attract the attention of the unknown stranger.

" What? " Sam hisses back.

" Get over here! " Mike hisses, his tone showing how annoyed he was getting as Sage watched amused.

Sam pushes herself across the room on the spinning chair that she was tied too, Sage giving the lighter that had somehow found it's way into her pocket to Mike so he could get the bonds off of Sam's wrists. Flicking the lighter on, the bonds quickly melt under the heat of the flame before Sam turns in the chair to grab the lighter and undo the bonds tying her ankles together.

" Damn, those things were tight. . " Sam mutters as she grimaces in pain. Getting up and turning, she crouches infront of the grate and looks at Sage and Mike in shock. " I don't understand. .  How did you get here? How did you find me? "

" There's some fucking maniac here on the mountain– " Mike starts to explain, but was cut off by Sam.

" Yeah, I've noticed. " Sam said sarcastically as she gestured aimlessly around the room that she was stuck in with only a towel wrapped around her.

" He lives in this like web of tunnels, " Sage explains as she smiles slightly at Sam, hoping to comfort the girl as much as she could. " Mike and I have been wandering around them trying to get out and then Mike found you through this grate. "

" Listen, this guy that you two have been talking about. . he attacked me. " Sam reveals making Sage's eyes widen in surprise as the blonde continued, " He showed me these videos too, and one of them showed Josh just being killed. . just. . ripped apart by this huge fucking sawblade. "

" Oh God. " Sage whispers as she suddenly becomes nauseous as what Sam just revealed. She couldn't save Josh. She couldn't save Josh.

She was a horrible human being.

" Jesus Christ! " Mike says as he grips Sage's hand and squeezes it to comfort the girl (it also confused her, but this wasn't the time for Sage to try to read Mike's mixed signals).

" But here is the crazy thing: I found these plans, like, blueprints for a crazy machine just like the one Josh was in, but it's fake. . it was for a dummy. " Sam reveals as she thinks about the blueprints that she had found earlier.

" Sam, slow down. . " Sage says quietly as she wipes away the tears that were threatening to fall.

" Josh might not be dead! " Sam exclaims making Sage and Mike look at her in shock. That couldn't be possible. " And guys. . I think. . Josh is somehow involved in all of this– "

" Wait. . What? How? " Sage questions as her surprise quickly turns into confusion. What the hell was going on? " Is Josh dead or not? "

" I'm really not sure, Sage, but. . there was a message from his doctor and it mentioned a 'plan', that was like a 'bad idea', and now he's dead! " Sam explains her findings to the duo on the other side of the grate, who could only look at her in shock.

" What the fuck is going on around here. . " Mike mutters as he glances over to the door that lead to the room that Sam was stuck in. " There's a door here, it won't open. Can you unlock it from your side? "

Sam nods immediately and walks over to the door, disappearing from Sage and Mike's view as they walked to the other side of the door and waited for Sam to open it.

" Hey. . " Mike greets Sam, who looks at the two in shock as she finally sees how much they've been through already.

" Jeez. You two look like hell. " Sam says as a greeting making Sage smirk.

" Nice to see you too, Sammy. " Sage smirks as she looks over at the blonde, " I thought the dislocated shoulder was a new fashion trend. "

Sam only rolls her eyes and walks to the other side of the room before putting her bookbag down next to her. Mike questions her in confusion, " What are you doing? "

" Well actually, the towel didn't turn out to be the best outfit for fighting off killer maniacs, you know? Do you two mind? Sage? Mike? " Sam stares at the two expectantly making Sage and Mike immediately turn around in embarrasment.

" Oh. Right. Our bad. " Mike apologizes with his back turned.

Sage sticks her hands in the pockets of the jacket from the Sanitorum, wincing again at the pain from her shoulder. She'd be okay, she had to be.

" Okay. Done. Let's put this thing to rest. " Sam annouces making Sage and Mike turn back around to see Sam dressed in clothes more suitable for the weather.

" Amen to that. " Mike nods in agreement.

The three turn to leave the room, but crying suddenly erupts from the room opposite to them.

" Please! " One voice pleads as the other sounds panicked, " I can't! I can't decide! "

" What was that? " Sage looks around in confusion as the three glance at each other.

" Sounds like crying. " Mike suggests as him and Sam force the door at the other side of the room open.

Sage, Mike, and Same all stop in surpise at the scene infront of them. Chris and Ashley sat across from each other, tied to the chairs, as saws dangled above their heads. The Psycho from earlier is slowly approaching the two.

" No, No! Get away! " Ashley cries out in fear.

Chris shoots the Psycho three times with the the gun in his hand, but he looks uninjured which confuses the group infront of him.

" Oh, Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris. . " The Psycho chuckles as he looks down at his chest to see no injuries.

" What the fuck?! " Chris cries out in shock.

" Haven't you heard of blanks before? " The Psycho chuckles as he slowly takes off the mask he wore to reveal. .


authors note.

hi to celebrate my braces being taken off today, here's your update! ya'll got a lil sage/mike (they need a shipname) kiss but mike's being a lil asshole and won't admit to sage his feelings!

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