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epilogue  —
a goodbye to the night.

" Your friend, Emily, said some things about almost being shot by Mike. Can you tell me about that, Sage? "

" We. . " A cough escapes Sage as she shuffles in her seat, the sling on her arm distracting the brunette for a moment. The interviewer that sat across from Sage didn't say a word as Sage tried to find the right words to say, " We were all scared. Mike. . Mike didn't shoot Emily or pull the trigger. She got bitten and we were terrified. All of us were. "

" Why didn't Mike shoot her? " The interviewer questions as she writes something down in her notepad.

" I talked him down because like I said, he was terrified. " Sage answers quickly, her voice strong as she continued, " He didn't shoot Emily. I don't know why the fuck you're even asking me about this shit. You should be out there looking for Josh! He's in the mines and I don't see any of you going out there to look for his body. "

" His body? " The interviewer raises an eyebrow at how sure Sage seemed at the idea that Josh Washington was dead.

" Chris and the stranger, they didn't find him in the shed when they went to go look for him. . " Sage trails off as she furrows her brows for a moment before she frowned, " I. . I saw a helicopter at the entrance of the mines when we were leaving. Is. . Is Jessica alive? "

" She is, " The woman nods in response, her sympathy for the college student infront of her rising. " A few injuries, but she's going to be okay. "

" Thank god. . " Sage chokes out as tears brim her eyes once again and she lets out a laugh, " God. . I've cried so much tonight, so much happend. " She wipes her tears away once again and looks at her interviewer while gripping the blanket around her shoulders, " Can I see my friends? Can I see Mike? "

The interviewer nods and stands up before pausing to look at Sage, " I know these types of events are very traumatic, if you need to talk to someone– "

" My mom's a psychologist, " Sage interrupts with a frown, " I'll have her find someone if I need to talk about it. "


Sage exits the interview room with her one good hand gripping the blanket tightly as she walked down the hallway and towards the room that she was told that her friends were in, the brunette being the last one to finish her interview.

She slowly opens the door leading into the room, quickly gaining the attention of the three surrounding Jess and sighs of relief escaping all of them.

" Jess, oh my god, " Sage smiles at the blonde as she rushes to Jess' side, " You're okay. "

The two talk quietly for a moment as Sam, Emily, and Mike gave them a moment. Sage shares a glance with Mike and smiles widely.

They were okay. They were going to be okay.

authors note.

hi, would you guys like one shots in the future about sage and mike?? i'm going to miss my babies so much 🥺

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