Number 5: Furries

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To quote my mother, "You can be anything you want, just not a Furry." Yes, the Furry Fandom is a very toxic fandom full of anthro animals doing it. They can be seen everywhere dressed in fursuits and acting like animals. Look, I love animals and I love watching cartoons and animation with anthro animals... But this goes way, WAY TOO FAR! Just look at this...

A furry wedding? What have these people become of?! Yes, my OC is a bunny, but she is a Happy Tree Friend, not a Furry! She does cute stuff and then she dies, rinse and repeat.

Also, I was at the mall and seen someone wearing blue fursuit gloves, boots and a tail. I seen a Furry in the mall!

Oh, you may think this is bad... Well, next we will talk about the fandom that started Furries!

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