10 | Savannah

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Two things. One. Savannah is basically Danielle's twin, who steals Chase but I figured that we're already in season 2 and 3 why make this whole thing even more confusing? And two, WARDROBE CHANGE. The last dress I chose wasn't Blue's style so here's the new dress, and IM NOT CHANGING IT AGAIN. sorry...


*Blue's POV*

The next day, I woke up and came downstairs to find my mom passed out on the kitchen floor. I ignored her, glad that I wouldn't have to get cut again, and stepped over her to get my backpack, then made my way to school.

I've always walked to school.

I don't trust buses, or the people on them. Plus, I don't have any friends. Except the Davenports, but I don't care enough to ask them for a ride. Mom is an obvious no. She probably would hit a tree.

No, no, she'd fall into a ditch then hit the tree.

I started out walking to school, then checked the time and sped up a little bit. Usually, I am late to school, but something told me to get there early.

               As soon as I burst through the school doors, I noticed something was off. Maybe it was the fact that Adam was lying underneath the lockers (luckily none of which were mine) and Leo was standing next to him, while Chase was watching from afar. I stopped and slowly put one of my high tops to the floor then turned and ran towards Chase when I saw her coming by.

                Savannah Closeiy.

She had long, wavy dark brown hair and neon green witch eyes that could captivate any guy who dared look her way. Like Medusa.

             Wait, what am I saying? For all I know, I could actually be related to Medusa! Anyway, she was one of the most well-known girls at school, who always gossips about other people and those stories surely get lots of good laughs.

             "What's going on?" I asked Chase and stood next to him, watching the scene.

  "Leo wants to take Savannah to the dance, so I came up with a plan to get her to fall for him."

               I nodded my head, acting like Leo's taste in girls was great.

Savannah neared closer until Leo gasped in shock and said louder than normally, "Oh look! This poor man is being crushed by a bunch of lockers."

              Savannah gasped, putting her hand to her heart like a precious little girl.
   "I will take action and save him!" I watched as Leo grabbed the lockers and with his bionic arm, lifted Adam up safely.

                 Leo put his hands on his hips like a proud hero and smiled.  "Oh my gosh, I can't believe that just happened!" Savannah gushed.

               "Don't worry, I'm-" Leo started but got cut off by Savannah rushing to Adam asking him if he needed to go to the nurse.

               It ended up with her asking Adam to the dance and Leo squirming like a little baby. He was furious, I could tell by the way his face looked like a blowtorch.

                "Well... Have fun at the dance!" I said happily and bounced away, leaving the guys alone to go over their failed mission.

       Time skip; Lunch

Later in the cafeteria, the Davenports had forced me to sit with them again. This time it wasn't entirely against my will. Then again, it wasn't as awful as it usually is, with Bree and Chase... Leo and Adam are great too! Why the heck did I just say that? I'm supposed to hate them!

I rested my chin on my hand and looked at Bree who was telling me about another boy she had a crush on and wanted to ask him to the dance. Bree and I had become sort of close, not too close, though. I haven't told her anything, she does most of the talking.

"Anyways, I just don't really know what to do. I get nervous then super-speed."

"Wow, it sure is nice to have bionic friends." I replied sarcastically, waving my fingers from under my chin. Bree smirked.

"And it sure is nice to know someone who's not human."

I sighed. "Okay you win. Just wear a super long dress. That way, if you get the urge to run, you'll trip on your dress and wipe out."

Bree took in the idea and nodded her head. "Actually, that's a great idea! Okay, now it's your turn."

"For what?" I asked.

"Chase has been talking about going to the dance with you." She giggled and made a kissy face until I put I finger to her lips.

"Okay, okay, it's no big deal. He asked me to go and I said yes. We're nothing more than friends." I sighed and looked at the table, my bubbly feeling gone.

"It sure doesn't seem that way. Look, here he comes now."

I rolled my eyes but tried to ignore the butterfly feeling as I turned to see Chase walk up... To Savannah...

                   "Hey, Savannah, listen, I wanted to talk to you about yesterday," Chase began and Savannah stood up from her table to look at him. "you know Leo, the one who rescued Adam from under the lockers?"

                  Savannah took a second to register them. "Oh, yeah, the hero and the brave one?"

                 The hero and the brave one? Those are both the same thing, you idiot!
Chase didn't seem to want to correct her. "Yeah, well, you going to the dance with Adam is causing a conflict between him and Leo. I was hoping that maybe you could go to the dance with Leo instead?"

                  Savannah smiled cheerfully and that only made me hate her more, seeing her smile. And her being happy. I don't like it when people I hate are happy. Like Adam, smiling at his plate of food, I want to punch him right now. Where did that come from?

                  "Aww, how sweet of you to care!" Chase smiled and rubbed the back of his neck, nervously. "Well, I know how to solve this whole thing!"

                 Chase looked awestruck. "You do?"

   "Yeah," she smiled, "I'll go to the dance with you!"

                The water bottle that I had been drinking slipped out of my hand and spilt all over the table, making Bree look at me with concern and Adam and Leo with surprise. NO. SHE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT. HE DID NOT JUST LET HER GET AWAY WITH THAT. CHASE, TELL HER YOU'RE GOING WITH SOMEONE ELSE! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?

                "Blue..." Bree started and I quickly noticed Chase walking back to the table and smiling, already starting to brag about how he's going to the dance with Savannah.

                 "Chase, uh..." Leo started, glancing back at me, but I stood up to quickly that the chair I was sitting in fell to the floor. Bree tried to grab my arm, but I pulled away and ran out of the gym, down the halls, and out into the cool air, hiding behind the back of the school, only stopping to breathe once I got there, and started sobbing.

                  This is the reason why I never trust anyone.

  Rejection. Rejection is always what happens whenever I befriend someone. And then they turn around, and dump me. I make whatever impact in their life that I need to, and then they go. They don't even look back.

                  I took a shaky breath before sobbing again, tears streaming down my cheeks. I can't believe I ever thought Chase actually liked me that way. I didn't want to see him anymore, I didn't want to see the Davenports anymore. If I find out they followed me here, I'm going to go jump off a cliff so I can be alone.

                 My phone chimed and I pulled it out of my pocket, sobbing, trying to angle it so that the screen didn't get wet from my tears.


         Hey, I'm so sorry about what happened back there. We haven't said anything to Chase yet, but I'm planning on it once we get home. Are you okay? He's being such a jerk to you right now, I can't believe him!!! Are you still going to the dance?

              Taking a deep breath, I allowed my fingers to type back a response.


        I'm fine. I can't believe I thought he'd actually like me that way. It doesn't matter. I get the same rejection whenever I start liking a guy. And yeah, I guess I'll go. I'm going to plain out ignore him though.


         You go girl! I'll make sure he gets it once he gets home! And don't worry, that guy I wanted to ask to the dance? Totally messed up that chance. So we can go to the dance together, single! How does that sound?


          Good. See you later.

               I couldn't help but smile.

For once I had a friend who wouldn't stab me in the back. Who actually cared about my feelings and checked on me after something humiliating happened. And actually, even though I'm supposed to hate her, it's actually kind of nice for a change.

              But if you ever ask me to admit that, I'm going to throw you off a bridge and act like nothing ever happened, Kay?

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