22 | Misunderstanding

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*Chase's POV*

"Chase? Chase, you alright?" Leo asked, waving his hand in front of my face. The performances had just finished and everyone had headed back to the cafeteria, but I, Bree, Adam, and Leo were standing around waiting for Blue to show up. She still hasn't shown up.

"She probably left with that chump of a flirt, Smeith. I mean, seriously, 2006 called, and they want their hair back. Really, dude, get a trim. Blue doesn't need someone like-"

"Chase, stop it," I turned to Bree, who was staring at me intensely. She hadn't been able to perform because her voice manipulation had been out of whack recently. "Blue would never do that to you. And just a quick-" her voice dropped three tones, "grammar check," and back to normal, "it's Keith, and you're right about the hair. But come on, just because Blue is an excellent liar and manipulator doesn't mean she's heartless. She cares way more about you than she's letting on, Chase. I just wish you'd," her voice dropped five octaves, "understand that."

             I rolled my eyes. All of a sudden, Blue walked out of the back door to the auditorium, Keith in tow. I felt a large burst of anger erupt from inside me, racing through my veins, pounding against my temples.

How could she do this?

I watched her as Keith leaned towards her and whispered something in her ear, and she started laughing, covering her mouth to hide her laughter, a thing that she did with me, and only me.

I watched as Keith grabbed her hands and smiled at her, as her head shot up to look him in the eyes. Quickly swiping a hand over my ear, I turned on my super hearing to hear what he said. "Blue, I was wondering... Would you by any chance want to go out tomorrow night?"

I gasped as Bree, Adam, and Leo turned to look at me. Blue glanced over at me and stopped for a second, watching me as our eyes locked before I saw something change in her eyes. One second it was shock, then... Regret.

When Keith wasn't looking, she mouthed, "I'm sorry" before turning to Keith, smiling cutely, and saying, "of course I would! Pick me up at eight?"

Keith tapped her nose. "How 'bout seven? I don't want you hanging out with... Him." I felt anger fume inside me as he turned a little to look at me.

"No problem. See you then."

Slowly, Keith walked away, and once he was gone Blue ran over to me and did the unexpected, she hugged me.

"Hey, Chasey! Listen, so I need some help with my-"

But I couldn't help it. I burst out at her and spat out a whole paragraph of anger. "Oh, oh, you need my help? Why don't you just go and ask your stupid little boyfriend, Smith over there, huh? Seems like you two are awfully close, now, aren't you? Do you seriously think that you have the right to flirt with some guy you just met right in front of me? Oh, you're sorry, well, sorry doesn't cut it! What was that, Blue? I thought we were more than friends, but I guess we obviously aren't if you're just going to start switching guys like some roller derby racer! I don't even-"

"Chase!" Blue's eyes widened in hurt. "Look, I'm sorry that I said yes, but Keith is the first guy who has ever shown any interest in me and has actually got the guts to ask me out, unlike you! You even said so yourself, all we have is just a stupid business relationship." A crowd started to form around the lockers and Bree, Adam, and Leo frowned. "So, yeah, I do have the right to say yes, because this dork wad," she motioned to me, "thinks he can just say that we're in a relationship. Do you even know if I like you that way? You killed my mother! You forced me to move in with you, you got involved in my life when I didn't want you to! Thanks to you, everyone knows what was truly going on, it's even in the paper. Forgive me for trying to get away from these mixed signals that I'm getting from you and try to understand this whole concept for once! Stop once in a while to read between the lines! You never asked me out, we're not in a relationship."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "You know, Blue, I got involved in your life because I knew something was wrong with you, and I'm not trying to ruin your life, I'm trying to help you. I told you that I wouldn't give up on you and I won't, I just wish that you would read between the lines once in a while because just because I haven't asked you out yet doesn't mean that I hadn't been planning to," I watched as Blue's eyes started welling with glowing purple tears as her mouth slowly dropped open. Her expression turned to sadness.

"Chase, I-"

"I'll tell you what you did. You just lost your chance. Like I'm ever going to think about asking you out again." A single glowing purple tear fell down her face and I wanted to wipe it off so bad, but I just stormed out of there. I stormed through the crowd in a barrel of anger.

And regret. I had just made the love of my life cry.

Way to screw up, Chase.


*Blue's POV*


  Chase can be such a stupid jerk. And it sucks though, because I hate him so dang much right now, but I'm too in love with him to truly hate him. It's like... I want to kiss him, but slap him at the same time.

                 Wiping my purple glowing eyes, I looked down at my pillow which was stained with luminescent purple stains and sniffed, flipping it to the cool side and flopping back down. I had been doing this ever since I got home. Chase was downstairs in the lab, listening to music and doing next weeks homework. I know because Leo and Bree and Adam kept checking on me, telling me what he's doing, but I haven't spoken at all.

                  Not since our fight.

   Why is this so hard? Whatever happened to back when everyone got along, everyone was friends, kissing was disgusting, and no one ever even heard of the term 'mom jeans'? Whatever happened to picture books and eating those microwaveable meals and not being picky? Not worrying about a stupid blackhead compared to a full breakout? Why does life have to be so difficult right now? What happened to 7-year-old Blue? Where's she now? I don't even remember my childhood.

                 All I want is for this stupid burden to be lifted from our shoulders. Our heads are leaning on one another's, but only through a wall. This stupid misunderstanding has gotten in the way and I want it gone. It would take me years to list off everything that I love about Chase.

                  I closed my eyes as another glowing tear fell onto my pillow and hummed a silent song to myself. You'll be okay, I won't give up on you.

                  He promised he wouldn't give up on me... He wouldn't go back on his promise...right?


Well... For once, I'm actually out of news. Breaking News, I have NO NEWS. Also, really sorry that this is late, I'm staying at my Grandma's. Anyways, I know Spike hasn't popped out yet, but like I said, no, promised, Blase will get a first kiss and Spike will pop out. It's just a matter of time, and a couple of arguments.
Anyway, who's a fan of Keith? Or Smith? No one? Good, me either. I only invented him as a burden in between them, also as Blue's new upcoming boyfriend. Dang it, spoilers!
Any questions put in the comments please, and here's your Chapterly Quotes:

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