5 | Shut Out

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*Blue's POV*

"Leo, I know you're behind me." I mumbled as I flipped the dial on my locker, not even bothering to try opening it. Leo poked his head from around the lockers right next to mine. He had been following me all morning, along with the occasional following by Adam and Bree.

I grabbed Leo's wrist and whirled him around to face me. He had a shocked look on his face.

"Oh don't act so surprised. I'm not as stupid as all of you guys think I am. Why are you following me?" Leo crossed his arms over his chest and grinned at me.

"Chase wouldn't stop talking about you last night, so we thought that maybe if we watched you, it would make him feel better, he seemed worried. But don't worry," Leo jumped closer to me and did a bad battle position. "I'll protect you."

I snorted and shoved Leo back in front of me. "Well, you can go and tell Chasey that I can take care of myself." Just as I turned around to walk somewhere (anywhere but here) I rammed into Chase's chest.

He immediately took a step back, a blush rising to his cheeks (as well as mine).
I turned my gaze to fire and glared at him. "You told them to follow me, huh?"

Chase looked at me confused. "What? I didn't-"

"Then why were Leo, Adam, and Bree following me around all day? I can take care of myself you know. Like you said before, this is just a stupid business relationship, nothing more, right?" I sensed Leo take a couple of steps back. "Just leave me alone Chase! I don't need my new tutor pushing his way into my life when there is a reason why I shut everyone out! So stop worrying about me, I'm fine! I can handle myself, and I don't need your help to do it!"

I turned on my heel and stormed off, shouldering past Adam and Bree who I was sure had heard the whole thing and ran somewhere (anywhere, literally anywhere but here).

-One week later-

             Things between me and Chase and the Davenports have been pretty simple. One, I go over to study with Chase for 1 hour, I don't stay any longer, don't speak to anyone but him, and then I go home. Two, we pretend like we don't know each other at school unless it's to discuss my grades. And finally, three, I'm NOT allowing myself to fall in love with him.

               I open my heart a little bit, and all of a sudden people start asking questions. And by people I mean Chase. He can't know what goes on at home. He can't know that I've cried every night leading up to today.

               The truth is, I'm terrified.

Plotting revenge, trying to keep secrets, lying to everyone I know. It's not as easy as you think. Sure, you can put on the mask and make people think you're okay but you can never forget how horrible it feels to be the only one knowing.

                That's why I'm shutting everyone out. Starting today.

I'm going to get my grades up to an A by the end of this week and then me and Chase will shake hands and be on our way. I won't ever have to see him again. And then everything will be okay.

                Shutting people out is the only way to keep things from getting worse. Last time I told someone, mom got sent to rehab, faked getting better, and once she was let out she broke my arms and my legs and from that day on she threw glass bottles at me hoping that she would get to watch me die on the spot.

                You know whenever you're sad you always say, I want to go home? Well, I would go anywhere but home. I just wish that someone could take me in.

              Right now, I'm walking to one of my last tutoring sessions with Chase, not needing my phone because I've basically memorized how to get there.

              I walked up the driveway and knocked on the door, no one answering until Eddy popped up to the right of the door. "What you need lady?"

              "Eddy, let me in."

              "I don't think they would want me to do that,"

          I lifted up my phone, ready to toss it at him when he started cowering. "Okay, okay, I'll let you in. But don't say I didn't warn you."

              The door unlocked and I walked in, and suddenly dodged to the ground when a red laser zoomed past my head and made a hole in the wall outside. I gasped, and whipped around to look inside only to start screaming.

            I saw Adam, shooting lasers out of his eyes at Chase who was making a force field out of his hands. I was about to turn to run away when Bree came shooting like a blur across the room and slammed the door shut, locking me in with them, and stared at me fearfully. I screamed even louder until Adam and Chase stopped and finally noticed what I was seeing.

             "Blue!" Chase called in shock, hiding his hands behind his back. "Uh..."

   "What all did you see?" Bree suddenly asked. I started shaking my head no, walking away from them until I bumped into Leo and screamed again.

              "What's going on?" And then Mr. Davenport of all people decided to show up. And once he saw me, his expression turned to freaked out.

              "She saw us using our... Bionics." Chase whispered the last word, but I heard it loud and clear.

               "What?" Mr. Davenport cried out.

They then started asking me what all I saw and I couldn't manage to say anything, until I just started begging to go home.

               "No, we can't let you go home, not until you promise not to tell anyone about this." I stared at all five of them, counting off their abilities, Chase with super intelligence, Bree with super speed, Adam with super strength, and Leo had a bionic arm (yes it's to that point).

                 "Let me go home," I hissed, glaring at each of them, "who would I even bother telling? It's not like I have any friends. Tell you what, I go home and deal with my drunk mother and forget that this day ever happened-" I slapped a hand on my mouth.


I did not just say that. I did not just tell them that. Chase's eyes widened to concern. "Your mom is an alcoholic?"

            "Why does it matter to you? She's not even that bad she just throws her beer bottles at my head and tries to kill me." I held my head, trying to stop myself from telling them everything.

             "What is wrong with me? You're not supposed to know all this!" I snapped.
"Umm, actually, I think we do. You know that's breaking about 5 laws with that? And child endangerment?" Mr. Davenport looked exceedingly concerned, not as concerned as Chase though.

               "Why would you care? I'm not your daughter! I don't even know what I'm doing here." I took 8 steps towards the door, but Bree slammed herself against it again.

               "Let me go home." I turned around and yelled at them. But they only crossed their arms over their chests.

               "Blue, I can't let you go home at the risk of being killed by your drunk mother," Mr. Davenport started.

               "Does it look like I care if I die tonight?" I snapped and then instantly regretted it for now Chase came over to me and gave me a hug. I was about to shove him away, but my arms moved and hugged him back.

                "Blue can stay with us for a while. Bree, take her somewhere where she can sleep tonight. I have to go and work on... Something." I watched as Mr. Davenport scurried away before pulling back, and staring at the four, who were looking at me with concern.

                 "I hope you guys know that I'm not just going to just open up to you. I'm not going to tell you guys anything. Oh, and you don't have to worry about the whole bionic thing. I don't really have anyone to tell. But, if you guys seriously want to know more, stop dreaming, this is real. I'm not telling you what goes on, I'm not telling you anything." I growled. Bree frowned, Chase studied my eyes, and Leo-

                   "Ooh, a challenge. You guys like challenges right?"

   "Sure, Leo," Chase ignored him.

                    Well, looks like I'm not going anywhere.

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