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"Jungkook!" Yoongi called out as he entered his house with a large suitcase full of personal belongings. He pushed the suitcase aside then removed his shoes and left them by the door once he closed it. Hearing no response as he took off his jacket and hung it up on the nearby coat rack, he pursed his lips. Was Jungkook not home? That thought made Yoongi pout. He had been so eager to return home to the one he loved, but he was greeted by a seemingly empty house.

Making his way to the living room, Yoongi plopped himself down onto the sofa and laid face-down. He was exhausted. He had hoped to see Jungkook immediately upon returning, but perhaps he could take a nap while waiting for him to get back home. He really missed Jungkook. Yoongi had traveled abroad to finally visit his parents after several years of not seeing them. He'd been abroad for a little over a week. Spending so much time away from Jungkook really took a toll on him.

Yoongi had wanted Jungkook to go with him, but there was no way. Jungkook couldn't get on a flight to another country. With no trace of him in any database, he couldn't get an ID. With no ID, he couldn't get a passport. So Jungkook had remained home. Of course, he had been with Jimin and Seokjin, so he wasn't actually alone, but it still must have been lonely to be separated from his mate for so long.

The attempt to take a nap was soon interrupted but pleasantly so. Yoongi was alerted by the sound of the front door opening, followed by the voices of his friends. He sat up and rose from the sofa. As he headed toward the front door, he heard the exclamations.

"Yoongi-hyung's suitcase!" Jimin was definitely excited to see that his best friend had returned.

"He's finally back." Seokjin had certainly missed Yoongi.

As soon as Yoongi saw them, his gaze fell on Jungkook, who was quiet."I missed you guys." he said with a soft smile.

"We missed you too!" Jimin immediately pulled out his phone."Oh my god! I have to call Tae and tell him that you're back! He can come over later with Hoseok-hyung and Namjoon, and we can have a big dinner party tonight!"

Seokjin chuckled at Jimin's excitement, though it would be a lie if he even tried to say that he wasn't equally as excited. He just didn't express it so loudly."Welcome back."

"It's so good to be back." Still hearing nothing from Jungkook, Yoongi stepped closer to his incubus lover and peered up at his handsome face."Jungkook? You okay, baby?"

Jungkook didn't know what to say. He'd missed Yoongi immensely for the past nine days. That had been the first time they'd been separated for so long after being together as mates for four years. An aching feeling formed in his throat, and his vision grew blurry. Jungkook had done his best to be as calm as possible while Yoongi had been gone, but now that his mate finally stood before him again, he felt like breaking down.

Seeing Jungkook's eyes pinking as his lips quivered with the oncoming of tears, Yoongi couldn't help but smile."Cute Jungkookie, I'm back now." He reached up and used his thumb to gently wipe away a tear that had begun rolling down Jungkook's cheek.

Unable to hold back, Jungkook quickly pulled Yoongi into his arms, perhaps embracing him just a bit too tightly. He buried his face in the crook of his little mate's neck and trembled as he started to cry."I missed you, Yoongi~" he whined."I missed you so much~"

"It was really hard on little Jungkook to be away from his mate for so long." That brought a tender smile to Seokjin's lips."We made sure he was never alone though." Being Jungkook's best friend, Seokjin had done all he could to help Jungkook stay occupied and content while Yoongi had been away.

Glancing at Seokjin, Yoongi couldn't stop smiling."Thank you. You're a very good friend." Noticing that Jimin had already called Taehyung and was on the phone with him currently, Yoongi decided that he should get a bit of rest before tonight's dinner party."Jungkook, baby, would you like to take a nap with me?" he asked as he gently stroked along the incubus' ear with the tip of his index finger. He almost cooed when Jungkook whined against his neck."You need to let me go so we can go upstairs."

"No~" Jungkook refused to let go of Yoongi so soon. He'd only just gotten his mate back. Why would he want to let him go? Reluctantly, he loosened the embrace enough to move his arms and scoop Yoongi up.

Yoongi wouldn't admit it, but he felt like crying too. He held it back, wanting to let Jungkook cry as much as he needed. He wanted to comfort his precious lover and stick as close to him as possible."Alright, let's go to bed for a nap, sweetheart." He didn't call Jungkook 'sweetheart' often, but he knew that the incubus loved it whenever he did.

"Like, you are missing the cutest shit right now, Tae." Jimin said as he watched the crying incubus carry Yoongi up the stairs."No, seriously. Jungkook started crying because he's so happy that Yoongi-hyung's back. It's super cute."

Knowing that things would need to be set up for the now-anticipated dinner party, Seokjin figured he should start getting some things ready. He gave Jimin's cheek a simple peck then gently pat the human's head before making his way into the kitchen. Over the past four years, he and Jimin had been doing their best to learn how to cook well. Jimin was learning faster than Seokjin because he was more familiar with the tastes of Earth's foods, but Seokjin was doing his best to keep up. It certainly helped that he was basically fluent in Korean now, only occasionally struggling to read the language. Whenever he needed help with reading, Jimin was always willing to help. The times when Jimin would be at work though, Seokjin would seek assistance from either Jungkook or Yoongi.

Once Jimin ended the call with Taehyung, he went into the kitchen as well."What do you think we should make for dinner, Seokjinnie?"

At that, Seokjin just shrugged his shoulders."Everything maybe?"

That made Jimin chuckle."Everything. Okay. Let's start with preparing some meat." Opening the fridge, he was so happy that they had plenty of food for variety."What kind of meat? I'm thinking either pork or beef."

"How about both?" Seokjin just loved food, especially meat. He had found himself really enjoying the meat of Earth.

"I like the way you think." Jimin pulled some packaged beef and pork out of the fridge."After we make the meat, we'll prepare some veggies. Steamed, maybe?"

Seokjin nodded with approval."That sounds good to me."

Meanwhile, up in the bedroom, Yoongi and Jungkook got situated in bed, cuddling close together. Yoongi was a little further up on the bed than Jungkook was because the incubus wanted to cuddle against the human's chest. It didn't matter that he was bigger than Yoongi. At times like this, he was Yoongi's big baby.

"I love you." Yoongi whispered softly as he held Jungkook close.

Jungkook's response came out as a little whimper."I love you~"

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