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"What the hell were you two thinking?!" Hoseok was beyond displeased to have Taehyung and Jimin on the ship. After Taehyung had been discovered eavesdropping, he'd revealed that Jimin was also hiding nearby."How did you even get on the ship?!"

Jimin and Taehyung really didn't like that Hoseok was yelling at them, but they also understood that they were in big trouble."We got a taxi and followed you guys. We stayed a bit behind so that you guys wouldn't notice us." Jimin spoke with his head down, feeling ashamed. He knew that he and Taehyung shouldn't have come along. They should have stayed home where it was safe, but neither of them could bare to just sit around and do nothing while their friends and loved ones were in harm's way.

"We sneaked onto the ship while you were talking to Namjoon." Taehyung added.

Hoseok narrowed his gaze at Taehyung."I don't want to hear from you right now! Let Jimin do the talking!"

Now that definitely hurt Taehyung's feelings."Hoseokie-hyung--"

"Zip it, Tae!" Hoseok was very disappointed in Taehyung and didn't want to speak to him. He knew he was being harsh, but he felt like it was deserved at this point. Taehyung had disobeyed and put himself and Jimin in danger."This is a very dangerous situation! Do you not realize that?! You and Jimin should have stayed home! It's too dangerous for you two!"

Jimin lifted his gaze and frowned at Hoseok."Stop yelling at Tae. This isn't all his fault. Following you guys was my idea. Be mad at me instead."

Hoseok clenched his hands into fists by his sides."I'm mad at both of you!"

"Hoseok, calm down." Seokjin said as he placed a hand onto Hoseok's shoulder."It's too late to take them back. All we can do now is make sure they stay safe."

"You're right." Hoseok turned away from the two humans."Take them to the supply room. They're going to need suits."

"Suits?" Jimin asked Seokjin curiously as Hoseok walked away from them.

Taehyung watched Hoseok walk away, feeling completely awful. This was the first time Hoseok ever yelled at him like that. It hurt so much."Why do we, uh...Why do we need suits?" It was hard to keep his thoughts connected and form sentences while feeling this way.

Seokjin made a small motion with his hand for the two humans to follow him before walking out of the room."The atmosphere in Szarvoun is harsh." he told them.

"Harsh?" Jimin grabbed Taehyung's hand to make sure his friend stayed by his side as they followed Seokjin."How so?"

"The air in Szarvoun is not like Earth. Neither is the gravitational force." As Seokjin explained, he was managing to keep himself calm. In truth, he was angry too. He didn't understand why the humans disobeyed. He didn't know why they put themselves at risk like this."If you don't have the suits on, your weak bodies will be at major risk of dizziness and heaviness. Szarvounians can handle it because we were born and raised in that atmosphere. We use the suits because they allow us to be able to move with ease and freedom in the atmospheres and gravitational pulls of other worlds, as well as being easily provided. Szarvoun's atmosphere will be too heavy and thick for you two. You'd barely be able to move." Speaking of this brought something else to his thoughts."When we get close to Szarvoun, you two will also be given breath masks. They will help you breathe in the thick atmosphere."

"Suits and masks..." Taehyung really didn't like the sound of that."Sounds like we're going into hazardous waste..."

Jimin had more questions though."If you guys use the suits and masks when you go to other worlds, why didn't you guys have on masks when you got to Earth?"

Seokjin didn't look back at Jimin as he led them down the hall. He couldn't stand to look at his boyfriend while feeling mad at him. It confused him. He adored Jimin. Now that he was mad at him, he didn't know how to handle it."We don't need the masks. Incubi who go out on numerous missions are granted a new device as reward for succeeding and pleasing the emperor."

"What is the new device?" Taehyung wondered, now being more curious.

"We call it a breath mixer. It's a small device that's placed onto a person's back. It gives that person the ability to breathe in any atmosphere without difficulty." Seokjin remembered when he'd received a breath mixer. It made things so much easier. No more masks. No more breathing difficulty due to different atmospheres.

Reaching his free hand forward, Jimin wanted to grab Seokjin's hand but decided that he shouldn't, retracting it."Wouldn't it be better for me and Tae to get breath mixers then?"

Seokjin immediately shook his head."No way. Using a breath mixer is extremely painful. Besides, it would cause complications for you on Earth if anyone ever discovered it."

When Seokjin finally stopped walking and opened a door, Jimin and Taehyung followed him into the room."Where are Namjoon and Jungkook?" He wondered why he hadn't seen either of them.

"I'm wondering that too." Taehyung had honestly expected Namjoon to be the one to yell at him, not Hoseok.

"Jungkook is preparing for battle." Seokjin grabbed a couple suits from a steel container that was bolted to the floor in the corner of the room."Namjoon is not with us. He purposely got himself taken as prisoner by the ones who took Yoongi. He did so to make sure Yoongi will remain safe until we can rescue him."

Taehyung hadn't expected that at all. It made sense, but it made him feel so worried for his mate."I hope he keeps himself safe too. It's important for both of them to be safe."

Seokjin held the suits out to the humans."Strip and put these on. They will shift to fit you. They are made of special Szarvounian material. You tear them to put them on. Like this." Holding a section of a suit in his hand, Seokjin pulled to tear it apart. When he released it, the tear repaired itself to close."Tear it open, place it over your body, let it close around you."

Jimin didn't quite understand, but he wasn't given a chance to ask for help when Seokjin left the room and closed the door."Um, okay." He turned the suit around in his hands and eyed it curiously.

Taehyung, on the other hand, stripped off his clothes and started tearing the suit, deciding to just figure it out as he put it on."I think we do it like this. Look." When Jimin looked at him, not caring for his state of undress, Taehyung started pressing the torn suit to his body, letting it close around him.

"Ohh~" Jimin was definitely amazed."That's so cool." He stripped off his own clothes and tore the suit as well. As he pressed it to his body and felt it repair itself around him, he was pretty mind-blown."We need stuff like this on Earth."

"Jimin..." Taehyung fidgeted with his fingers once he was ready in the suit."Do you think Hoseokie-hyung is going to stay mad at me until we return to Earth?"

Looking back at Taehyung, Jimin frowned a little as he saw his friend appearing clearly upset."I don't know, Tae. You two need to talk it over, but you should wait until he cools off a bit. I think Seokjin is mad at me too. I mean, he wouldn't even look at me."

Taehyung slumped his shoulders and sighed."We're in so much trouble."

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