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"Wait, what?! How did you manage that?!"

Hoseok's shout of shock and awe almost stirred Yoongi from his spell-induced sleep. The human shifted slightly in Jungkook's arms. It was probably best that he remained asleep for a while. After all, he'd been through a lot, and there was no telling how much more he could take. He definitely couldn't be involved in the war that was about to start.

"Lower your voice, Hoseok," Seokjin urged calmly."If this will help, it's great news."

"We should also have many prisoners on our side as well." Chaerin had returned with news of assistance that would certainly aid them in the oncoming war."Unfortunately, our most reliable aid comes from those who have nothing more to lose. I don't know if any others will be on our side."

With a wince of pain as he held his injured side, Hoseok glanced at the tall creature by Chaerin's side before returning his gaze to the succubus."How did you even communicate this with Minseok's, uh, collection?" He didn't really know what else to call the various creatures in the dungeon. They weren't the same as the incubi who were kept as regular prisoners and awaited their inevitable deaths for whatever reasons.

"When you are forced to be around someone who speaks another language, you find ways to communicate," Chaerin glanced at her tall companion as well."My mate here worked together with the others to form ways for communicating, despite their language barriers. Over time, they learned how to pass those ways of communication to any new species added to the dungeon. I imagine it was very difficult, especially since some have no mouths or voices."

"Or eyes." Hoseok couldn't help but make that additional statement. He was highly creeped out by the creature at Chaerin's side. His lack of a mouth and gaping empty holes where eyes should be gave him shivers.

At that, Seokjin chuckled."The many species we have seen, all vastly different from each other." He wouldn't admit aloud right now that there were a couple that had creeped him out as well, but he understood Hoseok's inexperience must also contribute to the way he felt about this creature.

Chaerin kept a calm expression on her face as they spoke, though her eyes held gentleness whenever she looked at her mate."He may look scary at first glance, but he is very friendly. He is originally from a very peaceful world. His home world was much like ours, in terms of weather and land. It was a very barren place that looked gloomy, but it was actually full of joy. I never had the honor to see it myself, but he's told me all about it."

"Friendly? Full of joy?" Hoseok found himself feeling sad at those words."So his world was a peaceful one our kind ruined with war."

"That's why they're so willing to help us, you know." Chaerin grabbed one of her mate's large hands as she spoke to the incubi."They don't want more genocides to happen. They don't want more peaceful worlds to be destroyed."

"I imagine it will please them to see the fall of the ones who destroyed their homes as well," Seokjin added. He knew that, if he was from a world that got destroyed, he would want to see the destroyers get a taste of their own medicine. Maybe that was cinical, but he could imagine it."Maybe someday, you'll be able to show him a world with grass and flowers and fresh water."

That brought a look of confusion to Chaerin's face."Grass? Flowers? What are those?" Seeing Seokjin shake his head, she also knew that this was not the time for such questions."Right, right. Anyway, we need to get the prisoners on our side and informed of our plan to fight for a better way of life."

"You all should go, but I'll stay here with Yoongi." Hoseok knew he wouldn't be much help until he could fight again. With this wound in his side, he wouldn't be very useul."Come back for me when you need stealth. That's all I'm good for while I'm hurt." Stepping over to the corner Jungkook and Yoongi were occupying, he squatted down by them."Jungkook, they need you."

"Jungkook, come with us, warrior." Seokijn commanded. He knew the young incubus wouldn't want to leave his mate's side, but it was necessary."Yoongi will be safe with Hoseok. We have new orders."

As true as if was that Jungkook didn't want to leave Yoongi's side, a warrior knew better than to disobey orders. In his current mindset, he was getting confused and blurry. His objective to find Yoongi had been so clear earlier, but he was getting lost in his head now, like an alcoholic who was too drunk to have coherent thoughts. He needed guidance to keep him focused and get him through the rest of this until the fueler boost would wear off. Hesitantly, he allowed Yoongi to be taken from his arms by Hoseok. Then, he rose to his feet and went to Seokjin's side.

Placing a hand firmly onto Jungkook's shoulder, Seokjin knew he had to make sure his best friend understood what was about to happen."Warrior, we're going to gather other warriors and prepare for battle. Do you understand?"

Jungkook wasn't fully understanding unfortunately."Namjoon..." he grumbled beneath his breath.

Seokjin had to hold back to pain in his chest at the mention of their fallen friend's name."Focus, Jungkook, focus."

As Seokjin kept his attention on Jungkook, Hoseok looked down at Yoongi in his arms. He wished he knew why all of this was happening. He just wanted to go back home with his friends. He wanted Namjoon back. He wanted to just wake up at home and see that this was all just a really bad nightmare. Why was this all happening? Why did they have to come back here? Why did his friends all have to be in danger now? They'd been living in peace, but it was all gone. How were their human friends supposed to get back home and resume their lives? Just thinking about this made Hoseok worry about Taehyung and Jimin, who were still alone on the hidden ship. He really hoped they were staying quiet and out of sight.


"Tae, look at this," Jimin said as he held up a metal rod."It looks like a spare pipe or something, but we can use it as a weapon."

"At least we won't accidentally kill ourselves with it." Taehyung was definitely scared to grab any other random objects around the ship after coming across that dangerous weapon earlier.

Jimin shook his head at Taehyung."Don't say that. Just say that we won't accidentally hurt ourselves with it. Don't think about dying. We're all going home alive." He really wanted to stay positive. After all, he was scared, and he knew Taehyung was well-aware of that. His friend had already needed to comfort him through tough thoughts of possible bad outcomes. He needed to get back to his usual, positive nature. That was what always got him through hard times.

Of course, Jimin's words made Taehyung roll his eyes."Is this how you and I are going to keep getting through this until we get back home? Just switching roles to cheer each other up and get scared in turns?"

"I guess so. I mean, it's better than both of us being scared shitless at the same time." Jimin knew that it didn't really make much sense, but they were both going through bursts of fear and hopeful thoughts."Being on an alien planet, I think it's okay for us to make no sense. As long as we stick together and keep each other safe, we can go crazy together."

"I'd rather not go cra--What was that?" Taehyung's mind was thrown into full alert when he heard something that scared him.

Jimin had heard it too. It sounded like the main entrance of the ship opening."We're not alone," Jimin whispered, moving closer to his friend."Do you think it's Hoseok-hyung and the others?"

Taehyung really hoped so, but he doubted it."Wouldn't Hoseokie-hyung and the others make a bit more noise?"

That was true. Whoever just boarded the ship seemed to be keeping themselves quiet, like they were cautious."Come on. Let's get a little closer and see who it is." Jimin held the pipe in one hand and grabbed Taehyung's wrist with his other."We'll stay quiet and out of sight. We just need to know if it's one of our friends or not."

This didn't seem like a good idea to Taehyung, but he also knew that they needed to know who had just boarded the ship. If it was their friends, they were safe. If it was an unfamiliar incubus, they may be in danger.

As they sneaked closer to the entrance of the ship, Jimin and Taehyung weaved in and out of rooms, doing their best to be unseen. It seemed to be working so far. However, the closer they got to whoever had boarded the ship, the more it became apparent that it was not their friends.

"I don't see any signs of anyone else being on this ship."

"Yeah, I don't either."

"Wait, do you smell that?"

Taehyung was too late to stop Jimin from whacking one of the unfamiliar incubi in the back of the head with the metal rod.

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