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"It's been a while since we last went out like this." Hoseok commented as he took a sip of his coffee.

"I miss Seokjin already." A pout had been on Jimin's face for quite some time now. He had been so happy to go out with his best friends for coffee, like they used to do before meeting the incubi. However, the further they got from home, with every step he took, the realization that he wouldn't see Seokjin for a few hours clearly set into his mind. Of course, he was used to being away from Seokjin whenever he would go to work, but Jimin preferred to be with his boyfriend as much as possible outside of work.

Taehyung couldn't help but smile as he used his straw to swirl around his strawberry frappuccino."Don't worry, Jiminie. You've got us for company, and Seokjin has Namjoon for company. And Jungkook will be with them later too."

"I know, but I've gotten so attached to him. I hate to be away from him when I don't need to be." Jimin knew how clingy he sounded, but he also knew that his boyfriend didn't seem to mind that. There was something else on his mind though that he often found himself thinking whenever he and Seokjin were apart."Do you think he misses me when I'm not around?"

That question caused Yoongi to pause mid-drink and perk an eyebrow at his best friend. He was still for a couple seconds before taking his intended drink of coffee. Then, he set down his cup and rolled his eyes, thinking this was a dumb thing for Jimin to ask."Of course he does. Seokjin is attached to you, just the way you are to him." That much was obvious for anyone to see.

Hoseok rested an elbow onto the table at which they were all sitting within the coffee shop and sighed as he could tell there was something more behind Jimin's question."What's wrong, Jiminie? Is something not going well between you two?"

Jimin moved his hands onto his lap and shrugged his shoulders just a little."I don't know. I mean, I think everything is fine. I just...I wonder what he thinks about sometimes. I know that he's had other mates, and I've had other boyfriends before. I can't help but wonder if he misses them. Do you think he...loved them? He probably did, right?"

"He might have loved them, but he has you now." Taehyung didn't know if those words would help, but he really didn't know what else to say."You two love each other, don't you?"

That just made Jimin shrug his shoulders again."I don't know." He and Seokjin had never shared such words together. They had both been so content with their relationship that neither of them had tried to take things further, not physically or even emotionally."What if he thinks about them while we're apart?" Then, he thought of something worse."What if he thinks of them while we're together?" That just made Jimin wonder if he ever did anything that reminded Seokjin of a past mate.

"I don't think he would think of a previous mate while being with you." Yoongi stated, as if that was a definite fact."What are the chances of you doing anything that would even cause him to think of a previous mate? Anyone he ever mated with in another world would probably be totally different from you."

"Different from me? Well, I guess." That didn't exactly make Jimin feel better."If I'm completely different from his previous mates, why does he even like me?"

"Jiminie, shut up." Hoseok said with a slightly stern tone."You're adorable and sweet. I bet he adores how compassionate and caring you are."

Taehyung chuckled before joining."I bet he likes how determined you can be when you really want something."

"You're a very considerate person, Jimin, and I'm sure that's what won him over." Yoongi said with a smile."You may be totally different from his previous mates, but he chose to open up to you. He likes you, and it's easy to see. Still, if you want to know what he thinks about, ask him."

Hoseok reached over and lightly touched Jimin's wrist with his fingertips."But if you want to ask about Seokjin's previous mates, tread carefully. It's a touchy subject for him. You know how his past has affected him negatively. He's still recovering."

This brought a thought to Yoongi's mind."Ah. I never thought of this before. What if Jungkook thinks the same way as Jimin?" he asked quietly, like he was only asking himself.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung took a long drink of his frappuccino as he awaited Yoongi's answer.

"Well, I'm his first mate, but he knows that I've been with someone else before." Yoongi explained."What if he wonders if I think about previous boyfriends?"

"Do you?" It was known that Yoongi had thought about Yukwon a lot previously, but that was before he mated with Jungkook. Now Jimin felt the need to know.

Yoongi shook his head though."Not really. They're in the past. I've only had two previous boyfriends. You guys know about Yukwon-hyung, but the other was just a high school boyfriend. That was just a fling, didn't last long. Neither of us knew what we wanted. I was still figuring myself out, so was he. After a few months of being together and trying different intimate things in secret, he decided that he wasn't into it. We split. He got a girlfriend. We both moved on rather quick."

"Ah, so you were in the experimental stage." Taehyung related to that well."When I went through that stage, I got a girlfriend and didn't tell my parents. I didn't want them to know about her, just in case it didn't work out." He let out a nervous laugh."We dated for just a couple weeks in ninth grade, but then, we broke up soon after my dad brought in Hoseokie-hyung to live with us. That's when I started to realize that I'm gay."

A dusty pink blush formed over Hoseok's cheeks."I was your first boy crush." he said in such a small voice.

"I've told you this before." Taehyung said as he grinned happily.

"I know, but it always makes me feel flattered." Hoseok was extremely happy to know that he was Taehyung's first boy crush and that they were still together after several years.

Looking at Jimin, Yoongi was curious about something."Who was your first boy crush?"

As all eyes turned to him, Jimin wished he could fall into a deep hole and hide."You." His whole face heated up with embarrassment."I had such a crush on you in high school, Yoongi-hyung, but that was before I got to be your friend. After I got to know you, I started to just love you like a brother."

Yoongi gave Jimin's shoulder a playful push."Dork."

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