2: An Eventful Dinner Party

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Lyra, covered in sweat and dirt, met up with Harrison at their hotel. As she ran she heard the whispers of people who saw her hero uniform,

"It's the amazonian hero!"

"Wow, she's like a giant, I wonder if it's her quirk!"

Lyra always laughed at this, at home she was known as the balance hero, but in countries where taller women are uncommon, they always called her the amazonian hero. She didn't blame them though, she towered over a decent chunk of their population. Finally, she made it to the hotel. Stumbling into the lobby and checking her phone she saw that he had messaged her the room number.

Harrison: Room 217 for u, I'm in 216 come get ur key loser.

She chuckled to herself and headed up the elevator to the second floor. She found his room and knocked rapidly on his door. He opened up wrapped in a towel, Lyra barely batted an eye.

"Where is my key." She said, sticking her hand out.

"Wow, you're so kind to me." He said sarcastically, slapping the keycard into her hand. He smirked and shut his door in her face.

She went to swipe her card and a cleaning woman was walking down the hallway talking into a phone, speaking Japanese. Lyra couldn't understand what she was saying, her eyes widened and she banged on Harrison's door. His deep laugh could be heard all through the hallways accompanied by Lyra's incessant knocking. Finally, she retired to her room to get dressed, retreating for now.

She unpacked her bags quickly and set out her outfit for the night. Tonight, her agency organized a dinner party with Japan's top heroes so she could get acquainted with them. They had to make quite an impression as almost all of the pro heroes had heard hearsay about her. Her reputation was frightening, to say the least, especially if you don't know the ins and outs of her quirk. None of them had seen her face though.

She took a hot shower and threw her tarnished costume in the wash. Blowdrying her wildly curly caramel-colored hair, she pulled it back into a french braided bun, leaving a few key pieces out and placing a rhinestoned laurel pin into the bun. She slid on her off-the-shoulder midnight blue evening gown that sparkled when she walked and accentuated her tanned muscular shoulders. Its sweetheart neckline was complemented by the silver choker she wore, and her height was increased by the four-inch silver strappy heels that poked out of the slit that went up her floor-length gown to just below her hip. Her hands were gloved for protection, she didn't wanna accidentally hurt someone.

She put on some light makeup and met Harrison in the hallway. He was dressed to the nines as well, in a dark grey suit and midnight blue tie. The blue and silver theme is the colors of their agency, they smiled at each other and left to the venue which just happened to be upstairs.

They entered the ballroom that the dinner was to be held in. A long table with chairs and nameplates was set neatly in the middle of the room; in front of a stage that had a podium and microphone. She heard soft orchestral music playing in the background, she went to check the mic.

She turned it on and checked it as her voice rang loudly from the speakers and she cringed. Harrison was fumbling with the sound system and finally brought it down to a normal level. Once it was figured out she tapped him on the shoulder.

Harrison turned around and she gave him a pointed look, he chuckled and held out his fist for a fist bump. She rolled her eyes and fist bumped him.

Just then their first guests arrived.

She greeted them, thankful that Harrison didn't mess with her again.

"Hello! Welcome, just have a seat and we'll start once everyone arrives!" She said cheerily. Lyra loved meeting new people, even if it startled her sometimes. Harrison on the other hand hated interacting with people he didn't know, he just stayed back, pretending to fumble with the sound system.

She noticed the group that had arrived was three women; all dressed amazingly. She glanced at the nameplates they sat at,



"Earphone Jack"

As more people flooded in she introduced herself to the three who arrived first.

"Hi, sorry if I was a bit direct earlier. I'm just nervous, I'm Lyra. My hero name though is Libra."  She said smiling, as she stuck her hand out to the woman in a long red sparkling gown. Creati.

"Oh, hello! My name is Momo, my hero name is Creati, but I guess you already knew that." She said laughing. She had long black hair that was stylishly curled.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your quirk?" Lyra asked.

"Oh I don't mind at all." She said grinning, she pulled a fork out of her flesh. Lyra gave her a confused look.

"I can use the lipids in my body to create anything non-living. As long as I know it's composition."

"Oh my goodness that's so cool!" Lyra spouted excitedly. She lightly bounced on her toes, she loved hearing about people's quirks.

She heard Harrison call her hero name, apparently as they talked everyone arrived and was mingling. She got to her spot at the table and lightly tapped a glass. The crowd of swarming heroes took their seats, around thirty or so. Looking at her expectantly.

She swallowed and took a deep breath.

"Hi, it's so nice to meet all of you. My name is Lyra VanDyne. I am a pro hero from the states, my partner, Harrison Lloyd and I were sent to Japan to follow a string of terrorist attacks to cover up white collar crime. In the field I go by Libra, but you can call me what you wish." She said warmly, trying to win over the group.

Harrison stood up and added, "We look forward to fostering a relationship with each one of you, for the betterment of society. If you have any questions just ask us."

They both sat down. Suddenly a mass of questions were thrown at them. Everyone was talking and Lyra couldn't focus on one voice, she started to breath heavily. Harrison noticed this and yelled loudly,

"Alright! ALRIGHT. One at a time please; we can't understand you if you talk at the same time."

He gestured to a hero in the front. The green haired hero from earlier, Lyra read his tag.


"What are your quirks; because if we know those I can start drawing up pairs that would work best." He said timidly; which was unnerving coming from someone as muscular as he is. Lyra nodded and began to explain.

"My quirk is an emitter type. If I touch anything with an equal balance of my body I can disrupt it's integrity and structure, basically turning it into ash. Once I do this I gain the integrity of the object until I release it, then it goes back to normal.

If I fortify an object, I gain the equivalent of damage it took to my body. Until it is released. To release it I have to let out a six second breath. It works on organic and not organic items."

"Can you demonstrate?" Momo said quickly. Lyra paused.

"Well I don't want to hurt anyone, so I'll do it on an inanimate object. But if someone wants to volunteer I'm open to show." She joked, placing her palms on the table before them. It disintegrated before their eyes, reduced to atoms.

She grinned, "Now I need someone to punch me." She pointed at a red haired hero. "Red Riot"

"You look like you can pack a punch." She said enthusiastically. "Hit me."

He paused. "Are you sure?"

"Yep, just sock me right in the stomach." She saw his skin harden, and he threw a punch right into her gut. She vibrated for a moment, but didn't feel a thing other than a bump.

She laughed, "See what I mean? I took the tables structural strength and it boosted my resilience and pain resistance."

"Try it on me." A voice piped up from the back, "Your quirk probably isn't all you talk it up to be."

Lyra was taken aback by this statement, was she being too boasting and blunt?

A resounding groan was heard after his voice rang, everyone rolled their eyes.

"Uh, okay?" She stammered, the man moved forward. He had spiky blonde hair, "Can I catch your name?"

"The names Katsuki Bakugo, all these extras call me Dynamight." He boasted.

"Stop being a jerk Bakugo." Shoto said from his seat.

"You wanna go icy hot?" He yelled back, he turned back to Lyra. "Go on extra."

She placed two fingers on his forehead, she could suddenly clearly visualize his skeletal system, muscular system, and his emotional well-being. She could even see his heart pumping.

"Alright you're ready?" She said quietly.

He scoffed, "Go for it."

Suddenly sickening cracking noises could be heard coming from the pair, Bakugo's arms were twisted wrong and his fingers were all snapped. Lyra grimaced, and let out a long breath. Suddenly his body went back to normal, and he stood in shock for a moment.

"I hate doing that." Lyra sighed out, "Cause whatever I do to you, I get the pain too. That only happens with organic beings. Even when I heal, I gain the pain."

"Ow, that really fucking hurt." Bakugo breathed out.

"I told you, also you might be sore for a few days."

He stormed back to his seat.

Everyone was looking at her in a slightly fearful way. She got uncomfortable fast and sat down. Harrison stood up, and everyone directed their attention to him.

"My quirk is also an emitter, but not for combat like Lyra's. I can read, write, and speak any language I hear if I know the name of it. I can also transfer this ability to one person for 8 hours at a time, but I can also take it away any time." He stated, then slapping Lyra on the back. She started to curse him but it came out in English, none of them knew what she was saying.

He tapped Earphone Jack on the shoulder and she could understand what Lyra was saying, and was surprised by the vulgarity. He tapped her again and she lost the ability. He then smacked Lyra's forehead and she slipped back into Japanese.

"I hate you." She said pointedly.

"I know." He responded.

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