Synopsis (Don't Even Think About It)

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Chapter 1: Before

Sophomores of Bloomberg High School in New York City are talking about things they like in homeroom, in Homeroom 10B. They are Olivia Byrne, Cooper Miller, Mackenzie Feldman, Renee Hinger, and Nick Gaw. The teacher is Ms. Velasquez. As soon as Ms. Velasquez enters the classroom, she tells the students that they have to go to Nurse Carmichael at lunch for the mandatory flu shot. 

Chapter 2: It Happened Here

The rest of Homeroom 10B are Adam McCall, Polly "Pi" Ricci, Brian Joseph "BJ", Jordana Brohman-Maizner, and Tess. The students go get the flu shot.

Chapter 3: Ouch

Mackenzie and Cooper get their flu shots while Olivia waits outside.

Chapter 4: October 3

Olivia has a presentation on Jamie Fields, a girl who got Lyme disease, in English class. She practices as she goes to school and during her classes. When Mr. Roth, her English teacher, calls her during 3rd period, she suddenly can read minds. Olivia, from the sudden overwhelm of thoughts, faints.

Chapter 5: I Know What You're Thinking

When Olivia faints, Mackenzie is in third period calculus thinking about a boy she met once, Bennett. Suddenly, Mackenzie can hear thoughts. Also, Tess can also read minds. Mr. Gilbert excuses them from classes for talking and Mackenzie and Tess find out that Olivia has fainted.

Chapter 6: It's a Puzzle Out There

Pi was the first one to get telepathy, when she was swimming at the pool early for exercise. Later, in Homeroom, the kids discover that they have telepathy.

Chapter 7: That's What You Think

Olivia is woken up by Nurse Carmichael, who is thinking that if she's fired she'll "have to go back to stripping!" Olivia is led out of the classroom by Nurse Carmichael and Pi. 

Chapter 8: The Jungle

Lunchtime is worse, since thoughts bombard Mackenzie and Tess's minds.

Chapter 9: Us Against Them

The telepathic students meet in Room 309, the chess club room. The telepathics are: Pi, Mackenzie, Tess, BJ, Olivia, Nick, Isaac Philips (a gay teen), Levi Jenkins, Brinn Ferrero (part of the fencing team and an artist), and George "Mars" Marson (a piano prodigy). They find out that closing their eyes and walls prevent them from reading minds. The others who did not show up are: "Sadie, Isabelle, Courtney, Rayna, the twins."

Chapter 10: The Non-Date from Hell

Later that day, Tess and Teddy go to the movies to see Death Valley. Keith Asher and Sadie Newman come too.

Chapter 11: Please Keep it Down

Mackenzie retreats into her room as she hears her parents thoughts about having sex. She can hear their thoughts past her bedroom walls as they do it.

Chapter 12: The Morning After

Olivia wakes up the next day and can STILL hear thoughts. She's woken up by her OCD mother.

Courtney Hunter discovers her telepathy while watching TV the previous night. Isabelle Griffin got her telepathy during dinner the previous night and is forced to go to the hospital with her parents (although urine samples come up negative for drugs). Anojah Kolar gets her telepathy during breakfast. Dave and Daniel Zacow, the Twins, get their telepathy in their apartment complex's elevator. "Segei Relov and Michelle Barak both got it on their way to school." Rayna Romero gets her telepathy while getting to class.

Chapter 13: Something Funny's Going on Around Here

Cooper gets to school late because of his 3-year-old sister Ashley Miller. The Homeroom 10B students have a telepathic conversation with each other and find that Mackenzie cgeated on Cooper with a guy in her apartment complex named Bennett.

Chapter 14: And We Meet Again

Renee and Olivia walk to Darren Lazar's locker after Homeroom.

Tess has Period 1 Chemistry class with Teddy and Sadie.

In third period, Pi has a surprise quiz in calculus. She has the second highest GPA in her class, the first highest being Jon Matthews. She listens to Jon's thoughts to cheat.

Chapter 15: Meeting Number Two

The second meeting of the telepathic students is held during lunch. They read each other's thoughts and have a telepathic-and-spoken conversation. They have a vote and decide not to tell anyone about their powers.

Chapter 16: Just Ignore Me

On Thursday, in gym class, Homeroom 10B beats Homeroom 10A because of their powers. After school, Pi wins three chess rounds in a room against another school's chess team. Dave and Daniel crush wresting class. Mackenzie and Tess don't have after-school clubs and drink milkshakes in the park as Cooper shows up to talk with them. Mackenzie and Tess leave.

Chapter 17: Sweet Whispers in You Ear

Mackenzie and Cooper talk on the phone late at night throughout the night.

The next morning, their phones are dead and charge them as they get ready for school.

Chapter 18: Start Spreading the News

Cooper comes into homeroom extremely late. As soon as he comes into the kitchen (in his house), he hears his mom's thoughts. In the classroom, the telepathic students have a telepathic-and-spoken conversation.

Chapter 19: Flirt

In third period, Mr. Roth tells Olivia that she will "redo your speech next week. Thursday." Olivia hears her teacher's thoughts and finds out he sympathizes with her. In her seat, Reene thinks that Olivia is mentally unstable. Lazar decides to talk to Olivia after class.

After class, Lazar asks Olivia to go to the play "Men of Paris on Saturday." She accepts.

Chapter 20: The Truth Hurts

At lunch, Cooper and Mackenzie talk to each other and they break up, since Cooper knows about Bennett from Mackenzie's thoughts.

Chapter 21: Peekaboo

Pi has an American History test that afternoon and the Espies all sit next to Pi.

Chapter 22: We Know Everything

The Espies meet in Sadie's apartment on Saturday. The meeting is interrupted when they feel the elevator going up with Lazar.

Chapter 23: The Big Night Out

Lazar picks up Olivia at six to go to the play. Lazar meets Olivia's mom before going to the play.

Chapter 24: It All Sucks

Cooper watches the baseball game at night and the Yankees lose. Mackenzie tries calling Cooper, but he denies it. He remembers that yesterday he gathered from his mom's thoughts that his father is having an affair with someone.

Chapter 25: Bravo

Lazar drops Olivia at her apartment complex and they kiss for the first time.

Chapter 26: New Plan

The Espies meet on Monday before school and discuss the carnival fundraiser for the school library. They eventually decide on a mock fortune-teller booth.

Chapter 27: Slamming Doors

Mackenzie is having a bad week. On Tuesday, she runs into Bennett as she goes to her apartment.

Chapter 28: Party On

Olivia and the Espies have a telepathic-and-speaking conversation at lunch the next day.

Chapter 29: Nowhere to Hide

Cooper has been reading his parent's thoughts and he knows more about the affair and that his parents had Ashley to "Save their marriage?".

Chapter 30: The Future Is Bright

It is the day of the fundraising carnival. The fortune-telling booth is "an old tent ..... covered it with dark purple scarves. A desk outside the tent was covered with a dark purple tablecloth. It was lined with lava lamps. We we going to charge five tickets per reading. ... we divided the inside of the tent in two. In the main part, we taped up glow-in-the-dark stars, set up a small table, covered it with a midnight-blue scarf, and placed a crystal ball in the center. It really wasn't a crystal ball-it was actually one of Levi's old fishbowls." The costume is a black robe. The carnival starts and the first customer is a girl and her family.

Chapter 31: Working the Booth

Tess collects the booth's tickets and Teddy is in line. Tess and BJ have a telepathic conversation.

Cooper is at the carnival because of his sister.

Chapter 32: I Hear You

Later, at the booth, Lazar is one of the customers. Pi and Olivia don't know what to do.

Chapter 33: One More Chance

After the carnival, Mackenzie gets a text from Cooper to meet him. She does meet him and they reconcile.

Chapter 34: Still Going

The Espies know everyone's thoughts. On Wednesday, Olivia has a headache and meets Suzanna and finds that Nurse Carmichael was fired.

Chapter 35: Two More Days Before the Sweet

On Thursday, Olivia presents her presentation and gets nervous.

Tess and Teddy go to Nick's baseball game after school. They find BJ there.

Mackenzie and Cooper have dinner at Cooper's apartment.

Chapter 36: Party Prep

The girls in Homeroom 10B get ready for Mackenzie's 16th birthday party. It is held at SoHo Tower. Mackenzie has a little sister named Caitlin.

Lazar and Olivia go to the party.

Most of Homeroom 10B has arrived at the Tower. Later, the rest arrive.

The party goes all well for a few hours before Cooper finds that his father is having an affair with Jordana's mother. Bennett arrives and Cooper fights him. His parents think he's on drugs and Cooper says he's not on drugs and that he and Homeroom 10B have telepathy. Suzanna approaches him and talks to him about his telepathy, since Cooper and the rest of 10B have purple eyes.

Chapter 37: We've Been Meaning to Tell You

The next morning, Suzanna calls all the parents of Homeroom 10B to come to BHS early with their kids. She and a CDC agent, Hank Soporic, tells them, when the families get there, that Homeroom 10B has telepathy due to contaminated flu vaccines. He tells them there is an antidote that can get rid of the telepathy. The Espies group up and decide to take the antidote.

Chapter 38: Last Chance

The Espies' last week with telepathy is okay. Levi's parents use Levi's powers to stop shoplifters at his parents's store, Candy Heaven. Isabelle and her father win all the poker games at a meeting because of Isabelle's telepathy. The other parents are freaking out. The Espies are going to miss their telepathy.

Mackenzie and Cooper reconcile again after she breaks down and Cooper points out that her weakness is "self-sabotage." They finally break-up permanently.

Tess thinks about the party at lunch.

Olivia presents on Tuesday and has changed her topic from Jamie Fields to Oprah. She presents.

On Wednesday, BJ tries to flirt with Mackenzie using his telepathy.

Pi can't wait to take the antidote, and she realizes she has to be the only one with telepathy. She talks to Suzanna about her plan.

Chapter 39: We Meet Again

Homeroom 10B arrives at school to take the antidote, but at the last minute, they refuse to take it, as the telepathy is now integrated into themselves.

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