chapter eighteen 』

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// for the best reading experience I would suggest playing the above, "So Far Away." <3 //

I don't even know what happened when I woke up.

I don't know what happened last night too.

All I knew was that people were yelling at me.

Yoongi hyung was yelling at me.

I don't like it when people yell at me.

He kept saying how it's all my fault.

How I'm so uncultured.

Or oblivious.

I don't know what either of those words mean.

Usually Jungkook tells people not to yell but he isn't here anymore.

Because I hurt his feelings.

That's what Jinnie says.

Instead of Jungkook comforting me it's Jinnie.

Ice cream man.

Yoongi hyung walks around frustrated.

He looks angry at me.

Short haired girl named Mina looks panicked.

But Mina doesn't look angry at me though.

Yoongi thinks I'm not telling him something.

But he didn't even let me speak.

Jimin calms him down.

So I can speak.

But I don't want to speak.

But I speak anyway after Minnie tells me Jungkook will be found if I tell him.

I told him I didn't want to speak in front of everyone.

Long haired girl with bracelets looks at me like I'm stupid.

I'm not stupid.

Scary girl looks at me like I'm retarded.

I'm not retarded either.

I wish people would stop assuming about me.

Hoseok looks sad and is quiet.

Jinnie looks like he's trying to think of something.

Joonie hyung looks stressed.

Minnie hyung looks overwhelmed.

Again Yoongi hyung looks angry.

Now everyone's out of the room except for me, Minnie, Joonie, and Jinnie hyung.

Hoseok hyung is comforting Yoongi hyung.

Everyone waits for me to speak.




Then I speak.

I tell them about everything.

I tell them how Jungkook wouldn't tell me everything.

How I was tired of being treated like a pet.

How I was tired of everyone seeing me as little.








How I was so mad I wanted to punch a wall.

How I wanted to use my words.

How I used them badly.

How I didn't mean it.

How I couldn't take it back.

And how now.

I regret it.

I knew I caused hyungs trouble and how I caused Jungkook trouble.

I want him back.

But he left already.

Because like Jinnie said, his feelings are hurt.

Because of me.

I yelled and shouted out of frustrated.

I kicked something with my leg but I don't know what it was.

My hyungs tried to calm me down.

But I can't.

Because I feel so lonely.

I was having a tantrum.

Which doesn't help me.

Because it only convinces them that I am who they think I am.

Later that day, hyungs contacted the camp people professionals about the situation.

About a missing boy.

I heard about it.

How Jungkook most likely went into the forest since he dropped something very familiar at the border.

I wanted to see it.

But Hoseok wouldn't let me.

He said it would break me.

I got mad.

Joonie told him to let me see it.

I saw it.

He dropped our friendship bracelet before he crossed.

He said he would never take it off.

He lied about that too huh?

I cried.

Hours later, police comes to find Jungkook.

They search but can't find him anywhere near the border and warning signs.

Police says he must went farther down.

I heard animals live there.

I learned that in science class.

I hope Jungkook isn't hurt.

I tell myself he isn't.

To make me feel better.

Isn't that why we tell lies?

To make ourselves feel better.

Yeah, me too.

Police says they will have to search tomorrow since it's getting dark.

I get mad.

Stupid excuse.


I hate them.

Hyungs tell me they should go back home since tomorrow is when school starts.

I don't listen to them.

But they drag me into their car as I stare out the window wondering if Jungkook's okay.


The next morning is when the police start looking again.

I don't go to school.

Mom doesn't question me.

She lets me stay home.

She's upset too.

My mom and Jungkook's mom were friends since high school.

Now she's comforting Jungkook's mom who's scared to death.

Jungkook told me once his parents don't care about him.

That his mom wouldn't mind if he died.

Well I don't think so.

If your parents don't love you they aren't your parents.

I sit in my bedroom all day.

I stare at the pictures me and Jungkook have together.

By the evening, they still did not find him. Even in the pretty deep part of the woods.

The woods is very big though.

The police started a deeper investigation.

They looked in his phone to see if they could find anything that may contradict their predictions.

My mom said Jungkook had a lot of pictures of me.

Police asked me questions.

How are you?

Not okay.

Did Jungkook tell you anything before he left?

I told them about the fight quietly.

Do you have any special connections?

I told them we were best friends.


They asked me if I was his boyfriend.

If we were dating.


Another day, with nothing.

I know the police probably don't care about Jungkook.

Probably just doing their job.

They don't care.

About the fact Jungkook probably didn't even eat.

Or could be dead because of their small efforts.

I don't sleep.

Hyungs keep asking me if I'm okay in the group chat.

I don't reply.

They say their worried about me.

They say they copied notes for me.

How everything is going to be fine.

How he's going to come back.

How it's not the end of the world.








Before I go to bed, I look at the pictures I have on my walls of me and Jungkook.




When you wished you could go back in time.


Right now he's so far away.

Word Count: 1122 』
Author's Note: 』

• Herro! How are you? I hope your doing okay! I'm stoked for Twice's comeback 'FEEL SPECIAL' and Kard's comeback as well!
•I'm also very nervous because I'm participating in track once again and I'm scared I won't make the travel team.
•Anyway, this chapter was surely interesting wasn't it? Seeing Taehyung's point of view.
• How did this chapter make you feel?
• Who do you think is at fault right now? Is it Taehyung's fault Jungkook is gone?
• What do you think Jungkook is doing right now? Why do you think the police hasn't found him?
• Where do you think Tzuyu or any of the other characters are around this? Also the social media account hasn't been posting. Do you think there's a reason behind it?
• i purple you!💜

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