chapter one 』

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"Kookie! Isn't Jimin hyung so cool when he dances?" TaeTae asks me, giving me one of his brightest, cheeky, boxed smiles, as he giggles with excitement. Then, TaeTae leans forward and pressing his face into the large glass window, with his hands to the sides of his head. His eyes light up and wander through the glass window of the dance studio, peering at the short, pink hair male's sleek dance moves.

"He sure is TaeTae," I respond back, smiling back at him. TaeTae was my best friend since I can imagine, and he was the cutest, most adorable kid I've ever known. He is very energetic, youthful, and have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen in my life. I admit my favorite feature appearance wise are his eyes, damn I wish I could have eyes like that. TaeTae is also nice and kind to everyone, which is definitely not what you see everyday in my high school. I even adore his weirdness and quirkiness, I find it special and unique. Teenagers in my high school these days are rather boring and basic, but TaeTae's personality is something I can never get tired of.

Suddenly out of nowhere, a hand tap my left shoulder, and I spin around to meet a mint haired, teenage boy.

"Yoongi!" I exclaim, as I step away from the window. "Hi!"

"Heyyy," Yoongi says, giving me a wave and his famous gummy smile. "Are you ready to head out?"

"Hold on hyung," I say, as I return to the position where the blonde haired male still stood, gazing through the glass window. I touch his back to grab his attention, and I put my hands into my jacket pockets, while TaeTae turns to face me.

"I'm going to get going with Yoongi hyung okay?" I say to him. "Remember, don't walk home alone by yourself at this time of day. It's late and dark, wait for Jimin to be finished with dance class."

I look down at my silver watch on my right hand and continue, "It's about seven twenty right now, so only ten minutes until Jimin comes out."

At that moment, I notice a slight change in his expression. His smile droops down a little bit, but then he forces a smile to cover up his sudden movement. For some reason, TaeTae seems to be upset and besides his smile, his pretty eyes, suddenly turns dark and gloomy. I could also see that his feet were fidgeting and TaeTae was rubbing his palms together, which I assume was sweat from his nervousness.

I put my hands on his cheeks, looking straight into his dark, coffee brown eyes. Soon, I pull TaeTae into my chest and whisper quietly, "What's wrong?"

"N-n-nothing," TaeTae stutters, burying himself deeper into my jacket. I know he is keeping something from me, but if he doesn't want to tell me because it was too personal or private, I am okay with that. Although, I don't like seeing TaeTae like this. Upset, sad, and unhappy. It makes my heart tear to pieces watching TaeTae, a person so bubbly and fun, switch to this state. Was he getting bullied? Is that why?  Was it because of stress? ...Was this happening because of me? Did I do something? Was I being a bad best friend? Did I say something that ticked him off?

I turn my head, and see Yoongi standing there not too far away not knowing what to do. Yoongi mouths a "Is he okay?" which follows a "I don't know," from me. Yoongi stands there silently for a few seconds, but makes the executive decision to walk into the dance studio so it was just TaeTae and I. Mouthing a "Thank you," to Yoongi, and I embrace TaeTae into my warmth.

After a few minutes of silence, I ask softly, "Do you not want Jimin to walk you home? Did you get in a fight with him at school?"

"N-n-no fi-i-ght," TaeTae stutters again. I could feel him shaking in my hands, so I walk him toward the small bench next to a large, green leafed, tree. Not being sure if TaeTae was shaking because he was upset or if it was because it was a chilly night, I took off my red jacket and wrap it around his neck. TaeTae didn't seem to want to talk about why he was acting like this and why he was upset so I didn't pressure him to tell me. He could tell me about the reason why at the right time. This wasn't the right time.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" I question him.

"I-I," TaeTae chokes out a sob, as I can feel tears on my white T-shirt. I could feel his eyes getting watery and I felt his emotions pour out of his tears, that continuously fell down his cheeks.

"I don't w-want to go home!" TaeTae shouts with a broken down voice. "I hate it there! I hate it! I-" he stops his words right there and doesn't say anything. I don't want to ask him why he didn't want to go home, knowing it would make the situation more worse than it already is.

"TaeTae get on my back," I say gently. TaeTae took his arms off my waist slowly and before you know it he curls himself up onto my back. He isn't that heavy at all, honestly he is very light.

Carefully, I stand up and go over to the nearby, rusty bike rack. I take out a key from my jean pocket and remove the lock that protects my bike. Taking both items and returning them to my pocket, I pull my bike onto the sidewalk. As I seat myself onto the bike, I feel TaeTae's grip grow stronger around my neck, but I don't even mind at this point. The pain around my neck isn't even close to equivalent to the pain TaeTae was suffering through, whatever it was.

As I pedal down the street on my bike with TaeTae clinging onto my neck, I can't help but feel worried about what was going on with my best friend.

"W-where are we going Kookie?" TaeTae says sniffling, clutching my neck even harder when the bike stops to a halt at the red light.

"We're going to my apartment. You can stay there for a little while, plus it's the weekend. I'll call your parents letting them know you are with me later after we get settled," I reply as I move forward when the green light appears. In reply, TaeTae mumbles something quietly under his breath, laying his chin on my shoulder. I was about to ask him what he said but realized his eyes were shut close.

Five minutes later, I arrive at my apartment complex. As quietly as possible, I scurry up the stairway to the fourth floor, trying not to wake TaeTae up. I put my thumbprint and my password onto my security scanner, and the door beeps indicating it was open.

Luckily, my mom wasn't going to be home tonight, after all she is the CEO of the top designer brands. She is given lots of respect and praise from every Korean citizen and is traveling to Japan to promote her newest line under Gucci. My mom is too busy to take care of her son, for her, it's all about the money. Money is more important to her, because,

Money buys happiness of course.

My bedroom is suppose to be a big closet, and  my mom somehow manages to fit a small bed in there. It's funny how rich my mom is, how we have a huge living room, deluxe kitchen, etc but she makes me live in a closet. I pretty much learned how to survive and take care of myself on my own when I was eight. I ate a lot of instant noodles, and microwaved foods because my mom usually came home late and had long business meetings with other important associates in the fashion styling industry.

When I was around thirteen, I got my first job as a mail deliverer. My mom wasn't too generous with giving money to me, even if it was for food. She was gone most of the time, and even if she was home for dinner, it was always take out. I thought getting a job would an excellent experience and I would be able to buy my own food. Plus my mom doesn't even notice me leaving the apartment to head to the post office. I would walk three miles up the some neighborhoods after school, and deliver mail to the people in that area. On weekends, I leave the apartment in the morning around ten and arrive at ten thirty to start my work. The pay was really well, despite the long hours and the pain in my legs when I returned home. It felt like I was born an adult and not a child.

When I enter my very small room with TaeTae still on my back, and tugged lightly onto his shirt, "TaeTae let go."

TaeTae jumps off my back onto my bed, and put his hands up to his eyes, rubbing them. I pull the blanket covers over TaeTae's body so he wouldn't get cold and tucks him in. After, I walk over to the wooden drawer near my bed, and took out extra blankets and pillows.

"What are you doing?" TaeTae says, with his eyelids half open.

"Shhh, go to sleep. I'm just getting blankets and stuff so I can sleep on the couch in the living room," I respond, gathering some fabric covers.

"Sleep with me."


"Sleep with me."

"My bed isn't that big."

"I'm skinny."

"Still, we won't fit."

"Are you calling me fat?" TaeTae playfully argues, pouting. "My BFF is calling me fat!"

I sigh with a smile and put the blankets back in the drawer.

"I'll be back I just need to use the bathroom."

I close my bedroom door and before  I reach the doorway of the bathroom, I feel my phone buzz in my jeans.

Text from InfiresMann1993
Click to view: Open

InfiresMann1993: Hey, was Taehyung okay?

JustinSeagull97: I don't know why he was upset but he calmed down now.

InfiresMann1993: Are you sure you guys like aren't a thing.

JustinSeagull97: No! We are just best friends, just like Namjoon and you. Why does everyone in our school think that.

InfiresMann1993: Its just that you and Taehyung seem more than friends! You guys hold hands like couples do, and hold each other by the waist and Jungkook you are always overprotective of him. Damn Jungkook! He's 16, he can walk home by himself! You and Taehyung even have special nicknames and handshakes! Taehyung also seems extremely comfortable with you then everyone else. Plus you guys are both gay! I'm only stating facts, no tea, no shade.

JustinSeagull97: A real best friend would look after another. I just don't want him to get kidnapped at night or some shit. Don't forget also that we both known each other for a while so of course we would have special things like that!

InfiresMann1993: Explain how touchy you guys are then! And don't give me bullshit saying you don't do it or that it's not something couples would do or if it was just a game!

JustinSeagull97: Fuck yo|
JustinSeagull97: Fu|
JustinSeagull97: |

JustinSeagull97: Whatever
Read at 8:09

What the hell is wrong with hyung? I don't like TaeTae like that. Why can't anyone see it like I do? We are just best friends, nothing more.

When I return from the bathroom, TaeTae moves his body over closer to the wall, as I slid into the warmth of the white sheets. I couldn't help but think about what Yoongi said about TaeTae and I.

"Are you comfortable?" I ask, looking at him, seeing that he was still awake.

"Yeah," he answers. "Handshake."

"You stayed awake to do our handshake?"


I smile at him. TaeTae and I had this handshake that we made since we were eleven years old. We would do the handshake every time we had a sleepover, said goodbye, etc. The two of us did it when one of sad or upset too, it always cheered us up no matter what the problem was.

Shortly after we finish our handshake we both say goodnight and close our eyes. Before my eyes drifted off to sleep, I question myself,

"Did I like Kim Taehyung like that?"

『Word Count: 2188』
『Author's Note: 』

• Can't believe I wrote my first chapter! Hope you guys like it! (๑>◡<๑)
・Another thing! If any of you have any recommendations of cover artists don't be afraid to tell me! If you are a cover artist yourself and would like to create one for me, PM me! (°▽°)
• Why do you guys think Taehyung doesn't want to go home? (_ _).。o○
• What do you think about Jungkook's mom? (・・?)
• Tell me what you guys think! ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
• i purple u! 💜
〜 strose1311

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