Author's Note

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Hey everyone~

I know it's been a while since I had something for you guys, and I'm sorry! I think you know how it is; a little unmotivated, a little distant. I've been trying my hardest to bring you guys content but so far I've written only relevant 1500 words in a month.

The point is: I got frustrated. I started listening to classical piano pieces, like Chopin, Liszt, Beethoven. And I was so fascinated by them. Listening to all this made me feel this kind of way... and I saw this scene whenever I listened to them.

So guys; this is entirely an emotional piece. This whole thing was something I saw and felt, in words. That's what I do. And it's been so long since I wrote something by pouring my entire heart into it. That's why I'm glad I can share this with you.

So, I sincerely hope you like this!

I thank Novel_Worm with everything I have because of all her support! She gave me detailed editing tips, made me this gorgeous cover, and most of all: supported me so much! Thank you so much, I couldn't have a better editor 💜

Also, thank you guys so much; for putting up with my hiatus, my lack of content, all your support and encouraging messages everyday, honestly I love you all so much!! I'm glad I could finally post something for you!

On that note, I would also like to thank everyone for the amazing response on my other short story: Lost in a Small Town. It has achieved so much and I can undoubtedly say it's been one of my most successful works so far; and I couldn't have done that without your motivating comments and response! Thank you so, so much 💜💜💜

So here we go; a piece inspired by Liebestraum- Liszt. I hope you guys like it! As always, feedback and criticism is always welcome.



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