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Hi, author here. I haven't been really active on Wattpad for a while now (personal reasons) but I see all your notifications 🥹. People adding The Wrong Crowd and Lies, Love and Deception to their reading lists, leaving comments, and voting. I can't thank you all enough–since 2019 I started–and it's why I constantly try to improve on myself in order to give only the best, and in doing so, I bring good news. Drum rolls!!! 🥁🥁🥁

Back with another one for lovers of unconventional werewolf romance with a bit of spice and drama and budding young love. It's titled The Alpha's Scorned Mate (click on the picture up on the media section). It's been published recently on Webnovel under the username OgborFavour123, pen name–Favour Ogbor, and so far, it has garnered a number of reads (a testament to how interesting it is). Anyway, because I love you all, I'm going to drop an excerpt of the book here so, sit back, relax and enjoy!

"She loved me for the dangers I had passed, and I loved her that she did pity them."


"Who told you my name?"

Kai shrugs like it doesn't matter, ignoring my question. Instead, he throws one of his own, taking a step forward, towards me. "Is that why you're this shy?"

His question makes my heart pound like a drum in my chest, and I gulp against the bulge in my throat. I take a tentative step back in a bid to put as much distance as I can between us for my sanity sake, but his presence alone is overpowering–shadowing everything within a five mile radius–and his scent, fuck, I want to drown myself in it.

"I can't say for a fact," I manage, realizing now why Diana hadn't told me Kai was the one hosting the party. She knew I wouldn't have given it a second thought. T'was worth a long shot.

Straightening my spine, I let my gaze slowly trail upward–past the ridiculously expensive shoes Kai has on his feet to the fitted trouser pants showing off lean, slightly muscular legs which makes my pulse race and then, to the suit jacket hugging his wide shoulders–until it reaches Kai's face and every other thing fades off into the background, just like in the cafeteria and then, the department store where we'd bumped into each other.

I suck in a sharp breath at his intense stare, my palms growing clammy with sweat. His jet black hair appears to have been carefully groomed and it gleams, his sharply cut jaw giving him the look of someone who isn't to be messed around with.

His nose is awfully straight as if a doctor had gone a job on it and his full pink lips are set in a thin line. I want to lean on my tip-toes and kiss him, but I restrain myself. My wolf goes on high alert, wrestling within me as if confirming by some sick stroke of luck that Kai is chosen by the moon goddess as my mate and I glance at somewhere else, betraying my shyness. Wondering what to do with my hands, Kai walks past me, making things less awkward.

"Happy birthday," I say.

FOR those who'd like to read more, I'm going to be dropping the link (that's if it does work) on my personal page and also here. This is it: 

If you need any help assessing the link as well, or have any questions or enquiries about the book, please, reach out to me, my DM is always open. Thank you guys so very much for your ceaseless support, out of millions of other authors you chose me. I'm really grateful and oh, look, we're almost 17.5000 reads. Y'all did this. I'm so proud. God bless and stay safe out there. Cheers!

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