Chapter 29

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Ore slapped Dami hard on the face halting the words of apology that were tumbling out of his mouth. She spotted one of the girls that was intensely making out with the other, strutting to where Dami was standing, holding his stinging cheeks.

Ore tried to swallow the hurt as her vision clouded with tears. Her wobbly legs almost gave way under her and her shoulder racked with sobs. Ore couldn't believe Dami cheated on her even after everything she'd gone through because of him.

After all the love he showered on her, he still went ahead to sleep around. No wonder, he had been acting shifty from the very beginning.

Ore raised her head and her eyes widened in shock when she saw Tami by his side licking something white from her fingertips. Cum.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" Her jaw hanged open as her gaze strayed to Dami who was now wrapping a towel around his narrow waist.

"S-he is . . ." Dami stammered unsure of what to say.

"I am his cousin," Tami completed with a proud smile on her face.

"What?" Ore almost screamed, her heart was shattering into a million pieces.

"Please tell me it isn't true Dami," she croaked as more tears streamed down her cheeks. Dami hung his head low embarrassed and nodded in reply.

"Jesus Christ," Ore gasped. "So all this while you have been sleeping with your own cousin?!" This was the biggest form of betrayal she'd ever gotten her entire life. To think Tami was once her friend and paraded her around campus, she didn't know there had been an evil plan forming in her mind to destroy her.

"Babe," Dami made to touch her as he went on his knees. "I know you're so hurt right now but there are some things you need to know. I just want us to talk about it for a few minutes before you leave please." Ore's legs folded under her and she fell on the floor, moist dripping from her nose.

"I am so screwed," Ore muttered clenching her fingers into a tight fist. "You better make this quick or your face will be sprouting more than those light bruises." But the bruises on Dami's face was anything but light. Some were deep cuts from a broken bottle scarring his face and the rest of his body. Ore saw now that he had almost been beaten to death.

Tami bounced past them with her naked butt and retreated down the hallway to Dami's room to get her clothes that was taken off in a hurry on the floor. Ore hadn't even processed that part, the part where Dami's room was so spotless and tidy and anything out of the ordinary proved that someone other than him had been in it.

Ore couldn't stop crying as Dami related his story briskly to her. At a very young age, he had been sexually molested by Tami. She snuck into his bedroom one night when he was sleeping and began sucking his small penis.

He wasn't wise enough to know at the time to shout or scream to his parents for help. The only thing he did was to grasp the bedsheet and kick his legs.

After sucking it, she climbed on him and fucked him so hard and fast that he was yelling in pain. It was then his voice rang out and Tami dived through the window she'd opened.

By the time his parents ran down the long hallway to his room, she was far gone and he was panting heavily. His mum thought he was hallucinating like he sometimes did when he told her about what happened.

She simply enfolded him in her embrace and sang him back to sleep. But that wasn't the only night it occurred. Everytime, Tami had her escape route properly mapped out. She could sneak in and sneak out at will with no one being the wiser.

So one day, he wanted to be a strong boy and played along to tie her on the bed. He hurried to call his parents that he'd caught the intruder but by the time they got to his room, they couldn't find her.

It was like she'd used juju to vanish into thin air. She became the object of his obsession after time and girls never got close enough to him apart from being fuck buddies. Tami didn't let them. She pinned him on his sore spot and preyed on it. In this case, Ore was the victim. When he'd asked her out, he actually liked her but the power Tami had over him was stronger.

She threatened him when he strongly stated that he wasn't going to fuck her any longer. That the thing they had going was over. But Tami didn't rest, she kept on enticing him with her tongue (her power) and like a fool he fell time and time again.

It didn't stop like he had initially wanted it to, he was helpless. He wanted to inform his twin brother or Philip of the situation but he knew they wouldn't be able to handle it.

Incest was scorned and frowned upon in the whole of Nigeria, no matter the tribe. Voicing out his pain would have only been catastrophic. So he began to get used to the sex. Tami introduced him to sex toys and the room became his sanctuary, where he pleased her like a slave. Ore was shaking like a leaf at what Dami told her.

No one knew Tami was his cousin because she had been an outcast right from time so getting to Dami was her means of building her own empire. Ore didn't know whether to pity him or to strangle him. If what he said was true, then he was in a truly big mess that he needed to get himself out from.

Ore was done playing their sick games. She wanted out, no Dami or anything remotely related to him in her life. She was at first excited to see him but now, she felt an intense hatred for him. It was as if the scales that were clouding her eyes were falling off.

"And I thought you were the one. I thought you were right for me. I didn't break your heart Dami, you did and in breaking it, you have broken mine." With that, she dusted her butt despite Dami's desperate pleas and walked off. She stopped by his room although to give Tami a piece of her mind.

"And you," she started confidently stepping in through the ajar door. "You got what you wanted right? I am not leaving Dami because he cheated on me, I am leaving him because you are a sick bitch who has shaped him to become what he is now. A man who is always driven by sex so he gets it from anywhere and anytime he wants to. I hope you die and rot in hell for all the pain you've caused."

Tami laughed widening her legs. "Did he tell you his sorry story already? That shits gets girls to stay but I see you've got guts. Wanna kiss me goodbye before you go?" Tami flicked her tongue trying to seduce Ore and she walked to where she was sprawled on the bed invitingly.

Tami bit on her bottom lip thinking it was going to trap Ore into making out with her. Instead Ore straddled her and clamped her hand around her neck. Tami struggled and flailed her arms weakly as Ore applied more pressure in strangling her. She watched pure terror flash through her eyes and her protests started to become weaker.

If Dami hadn't stopped her when he did, Ore was sure she would have murdered someone's child.

"I am done with you two," She spitted with venom. "I don't want to ever set my eyes on any of you for all eternity."

With tears pouring out from her eyes, she hurried past Michael who was climbing up the stairs to find out what was going on. He hadn't even known that Dami had girls over, all he reasoned was that his twin was sleeping upstairs.

Ore quickly changed into her shoes, she got her purse from the couch and slammed the door as she headed out. Never again was she going to fall for a sinfully gorgeous guy with sweet tongue.

Author's note: Now, the Damre ship has finally crashed. What do you think about the whole ordeal Dami is made to face?

Glossary: Juju is something used to commit evil atrocities. It can be a talisma, a doll or whatever, representing the person you want to affect.

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