Chapter 5

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Dedicated to Estmay

Ore fumbled with her shoe strap as soon as she reached the big stadium that was being used for the matriculation ceremony. Everywhere was busy and concentrated with photographers who were struggling to take a shot of the matriculants as they walked with a few of their friends.

Some shrugged off the thought of taking pictures while others actually smiled and posed for the camera. Ore had encountered a photographer on the way who had almost harassed her because she wasn't interested in taking pictures. She had angrily talked off the young man with harsh words that made him freeze.

The auditorium was decorated with colorful balloons backstage and the podium was carpeted and beautifully adorned with sashes and rosy statues to award mark of honor to the freshers. Lecturers were already seated and waiting on the MC to finish up with the introductory speech so the national anthem would commence.

Ore darted in between crowded seat rows, muttering her apologies to a few students who her high heeled shoes stepped on or her floor length dress swished. She found an empty seat by the far end; close to the second entrance to the massive hall and sat glumly. She was sweating mildly from the sweltering rays of the sun and her make up was caking.

She fanned herself, gasping for air as the horde of matriculants rose for the opening prayer. Ore was surprised that the arena was jam packed with students who she hadn't seen in the months she had been attending classes. All faces were beaming with smiles and the excited chatter of students was at a height even while everyone's heads were bowed in prayer.

After the opening prayer, the national and school anthem followed and then came the opening speech given by the vice chancellor of the university. The man was short and bulky with a shiny forehead and a thin line of white beard running along the side of his jaw. He looked to be in his early fifties considering his aged face and slow speech.

The aura he emitted was one of affluence and wisdom from heading such a prestigious institution for quite a number of years. The man who had introduced himself as Prof Ndokwa Lale, the current VC was dressed in a convocation robe which was billowing about.

He tapped on the microphone and after a screeching sound, his deep voice flowed throughout the auditorium enhanced by the overhead speakers. Ore tried to concentrate on what the man was saying but her attention was caught by the flashing cameras and different dress styles.

"One, two, cheese." Ore posed in between Martha and a few of her course mates with a cheesy smile on her face before the camera clicked. The photographer assumed his upright position after taking the picture and a few of them clustered about him to check them out.

"I am so glad I got to matriculate," Martha squealed in her crazy jean and high heeled boot.

"Yeah, me too," Ore agreed lowly. She felt sad that her parents were not around to celebrate her big day with her and seeing other students with their families made her feel nostalgic.

"It's okay," Martha assured leaning on her shoulder.

"Shit." Ore jolted on seeing a coffee brown stain on her white shoulder pad. She pointed at Martha's heavily pancaked face with a sneer. "I think your make up is falling apart."

Martha shrugged it off with a laugh as she dragged Ore to take a few more pictures.

"This is officially my best day since I resumed." Martha darted between matriculating students with their big gowns and cap on the carpeted grass. Ore trailed behind licking the vanilla ice cream with caramel topping that she was holding.

They were on their way to meet up with Martha's parents who were held up in traffic and had gathered around a big canopy. Martha chugged her drink, wiped the ends of her mouth and threw the plastic cup on the floor.

"Hurry up, my phone has been ringing like crazy." Martha zipped past Ore with breakneck speed and she followed suit, her nerves dancing all over the place in fear of meeting her roommate's parents.

Ore stopped short as Martha engulfed her parents in a hug. They looked cute with their arms around their daughter and their neck pressed on her shoulder. Martha's mum was a tall, fair and slender lady with a big hair bang and jewelries decorating different parts of her body including her nose.

She wore a red buba with a matching colour of gele and a pair of golden heels to top it off. While her father was a stately old man with an imposing height and broad shoulders. He shoved a hand into the pocket of his agbada and brought out a rose flower that he pinned on Martha's blonde wig.

Martha teared up at her father's sweet gesture and leaned to mutter something in his ear. His handsome face beamed with smiles before she gesticulated that Ore join in on the fun. Ore sluggishly walked over as an impatient Martha dragged her the rest of the way.

"Your parents are so cute," Ore whisper shouted. "And by the way, are you the only child?"

Martha snickered and shook her head. "I am the last born of five and the only girl." Ore looked at her, impressed. Having a younger brother was annoying as hell, she couldn't imagine what it would be like to have four others.

"Mummy, meet my sweet roommate," Martha stated to her mother who was taking out coolers of food from the boot of their car that was parked some distance away.

Her mother smiled briefly and pulled Ore in for a hug without asking too many questions. "You look so pretty honey," the woman who had introduced herself as Patricia cheered.

"Now, help me with these," she said handing over a huge pile of plates.

"Are you guys throwing a party?" Ore asked struggling to protect the dishes from falling from her grasp.

"Maybe," Patricia enounced briskly with a hand on her waist. "My sons are on their way from their different places of work and would be here with their respective families so, you can call that a party I guess."

Ore arranged the plates carefully on the plastic table they managed to bring and helped Martha and her dad in setting up the music.

Evening was fast approaching and the various families who came on time had already concluded their celebrations and were on their way home. Ore had eaten to her heart's content and had laughed too many times at Martha's eldest brother's jokes. They were a handful bunch, kids running here and there, spoons and take away flying about, meat being passed on from hand to mouth.

Martha's immediate elder brother had made her day more memorable. Ore couldn't help eyeing him from the vantage point he was seated. His hair in sporty waves, stubborn chin like her roommate's, a well defined jawline and a clean shaven face. She caught him staring at her a few times before he teared his gaze away to receive a phone call.

Ore whispered to Martha who was sipping her can coke with a straw and playing with a baby's thumb. "What's that your brother's name?" She asked out of curiosity.

Martha's gaze followed the direction Ore was pointing and she snickered hideously. "That's Patrick, my down to earth brother." Ore silently admired his fair skin tone and nodded in appreciation.

"He's cute," Ore muttered the same minute Martha called her brother over. She dived under a chair to save face.

"It's party time, yay!" Ore shouted, chugging her drink. After Martha's family packed up their stuffs ready to go, her roommate agreed to follow to show them the hostel she was staying as her mother had requested.

While Ore wandered around campus with a few of her coursemates who were all invited to their rep's house party. Now, she was having the time of her life playing snooker and taking shots. The music was booming loudly as Ore shuffled between drunk bodies making out on the living room couch.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she rushed outside, stumbling over food wraps to take the call.

"Hey there, matriculant," Dami cheered with a hand on the driving wheel. "Where the hell are you?"

Ore slurred with an excited voice. "What's up babe? Come pick me up at a lodge around Aluu."

Dami hissed under his breath as he made a sharp u-turn. "Send me the address, I am on my way."

Author's note: Dami is being so possessive of his girlfriend huhnn? And also, Ore is lowkey crushing on one of her roommate's brother, Patrick.

Side note: He is so cute in my head lol

Anyways, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed ❤️

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